Specifications - City of Montpelier, Vermont

Specifications - City of Montpelier, Vermont

Specifications - City of Montpelier, Vermont


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Title:<strong>Montpelier</strong> District Heating<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Montpelier</strong>, VT01710 – Project Closeout RequirementsIssue Date:September 28, 2012Page #:2 <strong>of</strong> 7D. If applicable, clean and polish transparent materials, including mirrors, polishedmetal, and glass (interior and exterior).E. Clean resilient and hard surface floors, including exposed concrete floors, bysweeping and damp mopping.F. Broom clean exterior paving, including streets and sidewalks in and about thework areas. Remove waste, debris, surface stains, spills, and foreign substances.G. Where material or debris has washed or flowed into or been placed in existingwatercourses, ditches, gutters, drains, pipes, or structures during the Work, orelsewhere during the course <strong>of</strong> the Work, such material or debris shall be entirelyremoved and satisfactorily disposed <strong>of</strong> during the progress <strong>of</strong> the Work. Uponcompletion <strong>of</strong> the Work, the ditches, channels, drains, pipes, structures, and otherareas shall be left in a clean and neat condition.H. Wipe surfaces <strong>of</strong> mechanical and electrical equipment clean; remove excesslubrication and other substances.I. Remove debris and surface dust from limited access spaces, including ro<strong>of</strong>s,plenums, shafts, trenches, equipment vaults, manholes, attics, areaways, andsimilar spaces.J. Clean light fixtures and lamps so the same will function with full efficiency.K. Clean permanent filters <strong>of</strong> ventilating equipment and replace disposable filterswhen units have been operated during construction. Clean ducts, blowers, andcoils when units have been operated without filters during construction.1.4 CONTRACTOR’S CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALSWhen the OWNER has determined that the Work is acceptable under the ContractDocuments and the Contract fully performed, CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submithis final Application for Payment to the OWNER, together with the following:A. Project Record Documents.B. Operating and Maintenance Manuals.1.5 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTSA. Maintain at Project Site for the OWNER one (1) copy <strong>of</strong> Record Documentsincluding Plans, <strong>Specifications</strong>, Addenda, Bulletins, Change Orders, and otherModifications to the Contract, plus Field Directives or other written instructions,reviewed submittals, and test reports to record actual construction conditions.PROJECT CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS017102

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