Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore


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ON FIRMNESS, xii. 2-xiii. 2forum <strong>an</strong>d the senate ; while children rear their toyhouses on the sea-shore vriih. heaps of s<strong>an</strong>d, these,as though engaged in a mighty enterprise, are busiedin piling up stones <strong>an</strong>d walls <strong>an</strong>d roofs, <strong>an</strong>d convertwhat was intended as a protection to the body intoa menace." Therefore children <strong>an</strong>d those who arefarther adv<strong>an</strong>ced in life are alike deceived, but thelatter in different <strong>an</strong>d more serious things. And sothe wise m<strong>an</strong> not improperly considers insult fromsuch men as a farce, <strong>an</strong>d sometimes, just as if theywere children, he will admonish them <strong>an</strong>d inflictsuffering <strong>an</strong>d punishment, not because he has received<strong>an</strong> injury, but because they have committed one, <strong>an</strong>din order that they may desist from so doing. Forthus also we break in <strong>an</strong>imals <strong>by</strong> using the lash, <strong>an</strong>dwe do not get <strong>an</strong>gry at them when they will notsubmit to a rider, but we curb them in order that <strong>by</strong>pain we may overcome their obstinacy. Now, therefore,you will know the <strong>an</strong>swer to the question withwhich we are confronted ": Why, if the wise m<strong>an</strong>c<strong>an</strong>not receive either injury or insult, does he punishthose who have offered them?" For he is notavenging himself, but correcting them.But why is it that you refuse to believe that thewise m<strong>an</strong> is gr<strong>an</strong>ted such firmness of mind, whenyou may observe that others have the same, althoughfor a different reason ? What physici<strong>an</strong> gets <strong>an</strong>grywith a lunatic ? Who takes in ill part the abuse ofa m<strong>an</strong> stricken with fever <strong>an</strong>d yet denied cold water ?The wise m<strong>an</strong>'s feeling towards all men is that of thephysici<strong>an</strong> towards his patients : he does not scornto touch their pri\'y parts if they need treatment,or to \iew the body's refuse <strong>an</strong>d discharges, or toendure violent words from those who rage in delirium.85

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