Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore


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ON ANGER, I. XIX. 8-xx. 4^„^^utmost caution—the use of power over life <strong>an</strong>d death.•^''^trusting <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>gry m<strong>an</strong> .^\ith a sword.Tis illAnd^.j;SiiJ[]?ust not suppose this, either—^that <strong>an</strong>ger 3nijtt Jfcontributes <strong>an</strong>ything to greatness of soul. That is mar^'J/inot greatness, it is a swelling ; nor when disease disten(£'theBody with a mass of watery corruption isthe result growth, hut a pestilent excess.All whomfrenzy of soul exalts to powers that are more th<strong>an</strong>hum<strong>an</strong> believe that they breathe forth somethinglofty <strong>an</strong>d sublime ; but it_x£stsJ3li-O0thing sohd, <strong>an</strong>dwhatever rises without a firm foundation is liableto fall. Anger has nothing on which to st<strong>an</strong>d ; it -^springs from nothing that is stable <strong>an</strong>d lasting, butis a pufFed-up, empty thing, as far removed fromgreatness of soul as foolhardiness is from bravery,^arrog<strong>an</strong>ce from confidence, sullenness from austerity,or cruelt}' from sternness. The difference betweena lofty <strong>an</strong>d a haughty soul, I say, is great. Angeraims at nothing splendid or beautiful. On the otherh<strong>an</strong>d, it seems to me to show a feeble <strong>an</strong>d harassedspirit, one conscious of its ovm weakness <strong>an</strong>d oversensitive,just as the body is when it is sick <strong>an</strong>dcovered ^\ith sores <strong>an</strong>d makes mo<strong>an</strong> at the shghtesttouch. Thus <strong>an</strong>ger is a most wom<strong>an</strong>ish <strong>an</strong>d childishweakness. " But," you will say, " it is found inmen also." True, for even men may have childish<strong>an</strong>d wom<strong>an</strong>ish natures. " WTiat then?" you cry;" do not the utter<strong>an</strong>ces of <strong>an</strong>gry men sometimesseem to be the utter<strong>an</strong>ces of a great soul " ? Yes,to those who do not know what true greatness is.Take the famous Avords " : Let them hate if onlythey fear," " which are so dread <strong>an</strong>d shocking thatyou might know that they were written in the timesof Sulla. I am not sure which wish was worse—thatVOL. I M 161

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