Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore


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ON ANGER, II. XXVII. 4-xx\'iii. 4punishment ; then let it bring up the thought, notso much of what we suffer, as of Avhat we have done ;let us summon ourselves to give a verdict upon ourpast life ; if only we are wilUng to be fr<strong>an</strong>k ^vithourselves, we shall assess our fines at a still higherfigure.If , we are willing in all matters to play the justjudgfiiJet us convince ourselves first of this—thatno one of us is free from fault. For most of ourindignation arises from our saying, " I am not toblairi^" " I have done nothing wTong." Say,We chafe againstrather, you admit nothing WTong !the censure oT some reprim<strong>an</strong>d or chastisementalthough at the very time we are at fault becausewe are adding to -wrong -doing arrog<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>an</strong>dobstinacy. What m<strong>an</strong> is there who c<strong>an</strong> claim thatin thg eyes of every law he is innocent ? But assumingthat this may be, how limited is the innocencewhose st<strong>an</strong>dard of virtue is the law ! How muchmore comprehensive is the principle of duty th<strong>an</strong>"/that of law ! How m<strong>an</strong>y are the dem<strong>an</strong>ds laid uponus <strong>by</strong> the sense of duty, hum<strong>an</strong>ity, generosity, justice,integrity—all of which lie outside the statute books'^!But even under that other exceedingly narrowdefinition of innocence we c<strong>an</strong>not vouch for ourclaim. Some sins we have committed, some wehave^contemplated, some we have desired, somewe have encouraged ; in the case of some we areinnocent only because we did not succeed. Bearingthis in mind, let us be more just to tr<strong>an</strong>sgressors,more heedful to those who rebuke us ; especially letus not be <strong>an</strong>gry with the good (for who will escapeif we are to be <strong>an</strong>gr}^ even with the good ?), <strong>an</strong>d leastof^^afr vvillt the gods.~';For_it is not <strong>by</strong> their power,VOL. I Q 225

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