Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore


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—ON ANGER, II. XXIII. 2-xxiv. 2How much more courageous was Alex<strong>an</strong>der ! Afterreading a letter from Ins mother warning him tobeware of poison from his physici<strong>an</strong> Philip, he tookthe draught <strong>an</strong>d dr<strong>an</strong>k it without alarm. In thecase of his own friend he trusted himself more. He"^deserved to find him innocent, deserved to provehim so ! I applaud this all the more in Alex<strong>an</strong>derbecause no m<strong>an</strong> was so prone to <strong>an</strong>ger ; but therarer self-control is among kings, the more praiseworthyit becomes. The great Gains Caesar alsoshowed this, he who, \ictorious in civil war, used hisvictory most mercifully ; ha\-ing apprehended somepackets of letters wTitten to Gnaeus Pompeius <strong>by</strong> thosewho were beheved to belong either to the opposingside or to the neutral part}', he burned them. Althoughhe was in the habit, within bounds, of indulgingin <strong>an</strong>ger, yet he preferred being unable to do so ;he thought that the most gracious form of pardonwas not to know what the offence of each person hadbeen.Creduhty is a source of very great mischief.Often one should not even hsten to report, sinceunder some circumst<strong>an</strong>ces it is better to be deceivedthaii^to be suspicious. Suspicion <strong>an</strong>d surmiseprovocations that are most deceptive—ought to beb<strong>an</strong>ished from the mind." That m<strong>an</strong> did not giveme a civil greeting ; that one did not return mykiss ; that one broke off the conversation abruptly ;that one did not invite me to dinner ; that oneseemed to avoid seeing me." Pretext for suspicionwill jjpt be lacking. But there is need of fr<strong>an</strong>kness<strong>an</strong>d generosity in interpreting things. We shouldbeheve only what is thrust under our eyes <strong>an</strong>dbecomes unmistakable, <strong>an</strong>d every time our suspicion

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