Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore


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—;ON FIRMNESS, xix. 3-4will use different remedies. For those who are notperfected <strong>an</strong>d still conduct themselves in accord<strong>an</strong>cewith pubUc opinion must bear in mind that theyhave to dwell in the midst of injury <strong>an</strong>d insultall misfortune \N-ill fall more hghtly on those whoexpect it. The more honourable a m<strong>an</strong> is <strong>by</strong> birth,reputation, <strong>an</strong>d patrimony, the more heroically heshould bear himself, remembering that the tallestr<strong>an</strong>ks st<strong>an</strong>d in the front battle-line. Let him bearinsults, shameful words, civil disgrace, <strong>an</strong>d all otherdegradation as he would the enemy's war-cry, <strong>an</strong>dthe darts <strong>an</strong>d stones from afar that rattle arounda soldier's helmet but cause no wound. Let himendure injuries, in sooth, as he would woundsthough some blows pierce his armour, others hisbreast, never overthro\\Ti, nor even moved fromhis ground. Even if you are hard pressed <strong>an</strong>d besetA\-ith fierce violence, yet it is a disgrace to retreat ;maintain the post that Nature assigned you. Doyou ask what this may be ? The post of a hero.The wise m<strong>an</strong>'s succour is of <strong>an</strong>other sort, theopposite of this ; for while you are in the heat ofaction, he has won the victory. Do not war againstyour o\\-n good ; keep alive this hope in your breastsuntil you arrive at truth, <strong>an</strong>d gladly give ear to thebetter doctrine <strong>an</strong>d help it on <strong>by</strong> your belief <strong>an</strong>dprayer. That there should be something unconquerable,some m<strong>an</strong> against whom Fortune has no power,works for the good of the commonwealth ofm<strong>an</strong>kind.105

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