Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore


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'ON ANGER, I. XVI. 2-5held in check <strong>by</strong> public disgrace. Should it benecessary to br<strong>an</strong>d you in more drastic fashion, AN-ith apunishment you c<strong>an</strong> feel, you shall be sent into exile,b<strong>an</strong>ished to <strong>an</strong> unkno^^-n region. Should your >vickednesshave become deep-rooted, dem<strong>an</strong>ding harsherremedies to meet your case, to chains <strong>an</strong>d the stateprisonwe shall have resort. If ^vith mind incurableyou link crime to crime <strong>an</strong>d are actuated no longer<strong>by</strong> the excuses -which \\i\\ never fail the evil m<strong>an</strong>,but WTong-doing itself becomes to you pretextenough for doing ^\Tong ; if you have drained thecup of AWckedness <strong>an</strong>d its poison has so mingledwith your \itals that it c<strong>an</strong>not issue forth withoutthem ; if, poor ^^Tetch ! you have long desired todie, then we shall do you good serWce—we shalltake from you that madness <strong>by</strong> which, while youharass others, you yourself are harassed, <strong>an</strong>d to youwho have long wallowed in the suffering of yourself<strong>an</strong>d others we shall gladly give the only boon stillleft for you, death ! Why should I be <strong>an</strong>gry with a -fm<strong>an</strong> to \vhoin.I.am giving ^'^'^gp^-^^^****^^ Help 1 Sometimesthe truest form of. pity_ is.to -kill. If withthe training of <strong>an</strong> expert physici<strong>an</strong> I had entered ahospital or a rich m<strong>an</strong>'s household, I should not haveprescribed the same treatment to all, though theirdiseases differed. Diverse, too, are the ills I seein countless minds, <strong>an</strong>d I am called to cure the -Vbodypohtic ; for each m<strong>an</strong>'s malady the propertreatment should be sought ; let this one berestored <strong>by</strong> his o^\ti self-respect, this one <strong>by</strong> asojourn abroad, this one <strong>by</strong> pain, this one <strong>by</strong> poverty,this one <strong>by</strong> the sword ! Accordingly, even if asa magistrate I must put on my robe a\\Ty <strong>an</strong>d

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