Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore


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ON ANGER, II. XIV. 3-xv. 3when adv<strong>an</strong>tage, prompts. PjTrhus, the mostfamous trainer for gymnastic contests, made it a rule,it is said, to warn those whom he was training againstgetting <strong>an</strong>gr)^ ; for <strong>an</strong>ger confounds art <strong>an</strong>d looksonlyjfqr a ch<strong>an</strong>ce to injure. Often, therefore, reasoncounsels patience, but <strong>an</strong>ger revenge, <strong>an</strong>d when wehave" been able to escape our first misfortunes, weare plunged into greater ones. Some have beencaTt into exile because they could not bear calmlyone insulting word, <strong>an</strong>d those who had refused to bearin silence a slight >\Tong have been crushed -w-ith theseverest misfortunes, <strong>an</strong>d, indign<strong>an</strong>t at <strong>an</strong>y diminutionof the fullest liberty, have brought upon themselvesthe yoke of slavery." That you may be con\-inced," says our opponent," that <strong>an</strong>ger does have in it something noble, you\vi\\ see that such nations as are free—for example,the Germ<strong>an</strong>s' <strong>an</strong>d Scythi<strong>an</strong>s—are those which aremost prone t« <strong>an</strong>ger." The reason of this isthat natures which are inherently brave <strong>an</strong>d sturdyare prone to <strong>an</strong>ger before they become softened <strong>by</strong>disciphne. For certain qualities are innate only inbetter natures, just as rich ground, although it isneglected, produces a strong growth <strong>an</strong>d a tall forestis the mark of fertile soil. And so natures^that have^innate \igoiir_like\vise produce A\Tath, <strong>an</strong>d being hot<strong>an</strong>d fiery they have no room for <strong>an</strong>ything weak <strong>an</strong>dfeeble, but their energj' is defective, as is the casewitli even'thing that springs up A^thout cultivationthrough the bounty merely of nature herself ;yes,<strong>an</strong>d, unless such natures are quickly tamed, wliat wasa disposition to braverv' tends to become recklessness<strong>an</strong>d temerit}". And tell me, is it not A\-ith the moregen'Eteteniprei^-that th^ "ffilMer fatdtsrsuch as pityi199

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