Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore


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ON ANGER, II. I. 4-n. 3Oui_OEinion is that it ventures nothing^ <strong>by</strong> itself, but -acts mHyLJiyitlL-tlie approval oi the mind. For toform the impression of ha\-ing received <strong>an</strong> injury<strong>an</strong>d to long to avenge it, <strong>an</strong>d then to couple togetherthe two propositions that one ought not to have beenwronged <strong>an</strong>d that one ought to be avenged—this isnot a mere impulse of the mind acting -without ourvolition. The one is a single mental process, theother a complex one composed of several elements ;the jMndhas grasped something, has become indign<strong>an</strong>t,has condemned the act, <strong>an</strong>d now tries toavenge Ttr~These processes are impossible unlessthe mind has given assent to the impressions thatmoved it." Butrll you askj "what is the purpose of such <strong>an</strong>inquiry ?^' I <strong>an</strong>swer, in order that we may knowwhat <strong>an</strong>ger is ; for if it arises against our ^\-ill, it ^^•i^lnever succumb to reason. For all sensations that donotTesviIt from our own volition are uncontrolled <strong>an</strong>dunavoidable, as, for example, shivering when we aredashed ^yiih cold water <strong>an</strong>d recoilment from certaincontacts ; bad news makes the hair st<strong>an</strong>d on end, \i\el<strong>an</strong>guage causes a blush to spread, <strong>an</strong>d when onelooks down from a precipice, dizziness follows. Becausenone of these things lies A\-ithin our control, noreasoning c<strong>an</strong> keep them from happening. But<strong>an</strong>ger may be routed at our behest ; for it is a weak-

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