Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore


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—ON MERCY, II. I. 3-n. 2before a gathering of all m<strong>an</strong>kind, that unto it princes<strong>an</strong>d kings might pledge allegi<strong>an</strong>ce. What <strong>an</strong> utter<strong>an</strong>ce! Worthy of the universal innocence of m<strong>an</strong>kind,in favour whereof that long past age " should berenewed. Now assuredly it were fitting that men,thrusting out covetousness from which springs everyevil of the heart, should conspire for righteousness<strong>an</strong>d goodness, that piety <strong>an</strong>d uprightness along ^\-ithhonour <strong>an</strong>d temper<strong>an</strong>ce should rise again, <strong>an</strong>d thatvice, ha\"ing misused its long reign, should at lengthgive place to <strong>an</strong> age of happiness <strong>an</strong>d purity.We are pleased to hope <strong>an</strong>d trust, Caesar, that inlarge measure this ^\ill happen. That kindness ofyour heart will be recounted, ^\^ll be diffused httle<strong>by</strong> httle throughout the whole body of the empire,<strong>an</strong>d all tilings ^^•ill be moulded into your hkeness.It is from the head that comes the health of thebody ; it is through it that all the parts are lively<strong>an</strong>d alert or l<strong>an</strong>guid <strong>an</strong>d drooping according astheir <strong>an</strong>imating spirit has life or withers. There^\^ll be citizens, there will be alhes worthy of thisgoodness, <strong>an</strong>d uprightness will return to the wholeworld ;your h<strong>an</strong>ds will every^vhere be spared.Permit me to linger longer on this point, but notmerely to please your ears ; for that is not my wayI would rather offend with the truth th<strong>an</strong> please <strong>by</strong>flattery. What then is my reason ? Besides wishingyou to be as familiar as possible with your own gooddeeds <strong>an</strong>d words in order that what is now a naturalimpulse may become a principle, I reflect upon this,that m<strong>an</strong>y striking but odious sayings have madetheir entry into hum<strong>an</strong> life <strong>an</strong>d are b<strong>an</strong>died aboutas famous ; as for example, " Let them hate if onlythey fear," * <strong>an</strong>d the Greek verse''similar to it, inVOL. I 2 F 433

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