Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore


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ON ANGER, III. x\'. 3-xvi. ithose whose lot is cast in this sort of life <strong>an</strong>d who areinvited to the board of kings. So must they eat inthat comp<strong>an</strong>y, so must they drink, so must they<strong>an</strong>swer, so must they mock at the death of theirdear ones. Whether the hfe is worth the price weshall see ; that is <strong>an</strong>other question. We shall notcondole with such a chain-g<strong>an</strong>g of prisoners sowretched, we shall not urge them to submit to thecomm<strong>an</strong>ds of their butchers ; we shall show that in<strong>an</strong>y kind of ser\'itude the way lies open to libert}'.If the soul is sick <strong>an</strong>d because of its o\\ti imperfectionunhappy, a m<strong>an</strong> may end its sorrows <strong>an</strong>d at the sametime himself. To him to whom ch<strong>an</strong>ce has given aking that aims his shafts at the breasts of his friends,to him who has a master that gorges fathers withthe flesh of their cliildren, I would say :" Madm<strong>an</strong>,why do you mo<strong>an</strong> ? Why do you wait for someenemy to avenge you <strong>by</strong> the destruction of yournation, or for a mighty king from afar to fly to yourrescue ? In whatever direction you may turn youreyes, there lies the me<strong>an</strong>s to end your woes. See youthat precipice ? Down that is the way to liberty.See you that sea, that river, that well ? There sitsliberty—at the bottom. See you that tree, stunted,bUghted, <strong>an</strong>d barren ? Yet from its br<strong>an</strong>ches h<strong>an</strong>gsliberty. See you that throat of yours, your gullet,your heart ? They are ways of escape from servitude.Are the ways of egress I show you too toilsome, dothey require too much courage <strong>an</strong>d strength ? Doyou ask what is the highway to libertv' ? Any veiiT"in your body !So long indeed as there shall be no hardship sointolerable in our opinion as to force us to ab<strong>an</strong>donlife, let us, no matter what our station in hfe may295

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