Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore


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ON MERCY, I. VIII. 5-ix. 2great power causes wider terror th<strong>an</strong> harm, <strong>an</strong>d notwithout reason ; for when the doer is omnipotent, menconsider not how much he has done, but how much heis Ukely to do. Consider, too, that whereas privatecitizens, <strong>by</strong> enduring the \\Tongs aheady received,he more open to recei\'ing others, yet kings <strong>by</strong>clemency gain a security more assured, becauserepeated punishment, while it crushes the hatred ofa few, stirs the hatred of all. The inchnation to ventone's rage should be less strong th<strong>an</strong> the provocationfor it ; otherwise, just as trees that have beentrimmed throw out again countless br<strong>an</strong>ches, <strong>an</strong>d asm<strong>an</strong>y kinds of pl<strong>an</strong>ts are cut back to make them growthicker, so the cruelty of a king <strong>by</strong> removing hisenemies increases their number ; for the parents <strong>an</strong>dchildren of those who have been killed, their relativestoo <strong>an</strong>d their friends, step into the place of eachsingle \ictim.By <strong>an</strong> example from your own family I wish toremind you how true this is. The deified Augustuswas a mild prince if one should undertake to judgehim from the time of his principate ; but when heshared the state with others," he A^-ielded the sword.When he was at your present age, having just passedhis eighteenth year," he had already buried hisdagger in the bosom of friends ; he had already instealth aimed a blow at the side of the consul, MarkAntony ; he had already been a partner in proscription.But when he had passed his fortieth year<strong>an</strong>d was staying in Gaul,'^ the information was broughtto him that Lucius Cinna,"* a dull-witted m<strong>an</strong>, wasconcocting a plot against him. He was told whereCornelius Cinna, son-in-law of Pompey, was the father of theconspirator.381

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