Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore


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ON MERCY, II. II. 2-iv. 1which a m<strong>an</strong> would have the earth convulsed withflame when once he is dead, <strong>an</strong>d others of this type.And somehow or other gifted men when dealing ^ntha cruel <strong>an</strong>d hateful theme have moulded violent <strong>an</strong>dpassionate thoughts into more felicitous phrase ; neverbefore have I heard from good <strong>an</strong>d gentle lips <strong>an</strong>utter<strong>an</strong>ce that was full of spirit. What then is theconclusion ? Though it oe seldom, against your ^^^ll,<strong>an</strong>d after great reluct<strong>an</strong>ce, yet there are times whenyou must wTite the sort of thing that made you hateall WTiting, but you must do it, as you now do, aftergreat reluct<strong>an</strong>ce, after much procrastination.And in order that we may not perch<strong>an</strong>ce bedeceived at times <strong>by</strong> the plausible name of mercy<strong>an</strong>d led into <strong>an</strong> opposite quality," let us see whatmercy is, what is its nature, <strong>an</strong>d what its hmitations.Mercy me<strong>an</strong>s restraining the mind from venge<strong>an</strong>cewhen it has the power to take it, or the leniency ofa superior towards <strong>an</strong> inferior in fixing punishment.In the fear that one definition may not be comprehensiveenough, <strong>an</strong>d, so to speak, the case* belost, it is safer to offer several ; <strong>an</strong>d so mercy mayalso be termed the inclination of the mind towardsleniency in exacting punishment. The follo^ving(definition -will encounter objections, however closelyiit approaches the truth ; if we shall say that merc}^lis the moderation which remits something from thepunishment that is deserved <strong>an</strong>d due, it will beobjected that no \-irtue gives to <strong>an</strong>y m<strong>an</strong> less th<strong>an</strong>Tiis due. Everybody, however, underst<strong>an</strong>ds thatthe fact of the case is that mercy consists instopping short of what might have been deservedlyimposed.The ill-informed think that its opposite is strict-435

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