Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore

Moral essays. With an English translation by J.W. Basore


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ON PROVIDENCE, in. 11-14is harassed less <strong>by</strong> what he suffers th<strong>an</strong> <strong>by</strong> the reasonfor his suffering. Surely the hum<strong>an</strong> race has notcome so completely under the sway of vice as tocause a doubt whether, if Fate should give thechoice, more men would rather be born a Regulusth<strong>an</strong> a Maecenas ; or if there shoxild be one boldenough to say that he would rather have been borna Maecenas th<strong>an</strong> a Regulus, the fellow, although hemay not admit it, would rather have been born aTerentia " !Do you consider that Socrates was ill-used becausehe dr<strong>an</strong>k doAvn that draught ^ which the state hadbrewed as if it were <strong>an</strong> ehxir of immortal life, <strong>an</strong>dup to the point of death discoursed on death ? Washe ill-treated because his blood grew cold, <strong>an</strong>d, asthe chill spread, gradually the beating of his pulsesstopped ? How much more should we envy himth<strong>an</strong> those who are served in cups of precious stone,whose wine a catamite—a tool for <strong>an</strong>ything, <strong>an</strong>unsexed or sexless creature—dilutes \vith snow heldabove in a golden vessel ! They will measure outafresh all their drink in vomit, with WTy faces tastingin its stead their own bile ; but he will quaff thepoison gladly <strong>an</strong>d with good cheer.Touching Cato, enough has been said, <strong>an</strong>d it willbe gr<strong>an</strong>ted <strong>by</strong> the consensus of m<strong>an</strong>kind that thatgreat m<strong>an</strong> reached the pinnacle of happiness,—hewhom Nature chose tobe the one with whom herdread power should clash. " The enmity of thepowerful," said she, " is a hardship ; then let himmatch himself at one <strong>an</strong>d the same time againstPompey, Caesar, <strong>an</strong>d Crassus. It is a hardship tobe outstripped <strong>by</strong> <strong>an</strong> inferior in the c<strong>an</strong>didacy forofl&ce ; then let him be defeated <strong>by</strong> Vatinius." It is23

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