BC-DX 789 05 Jan 2007 Private Verwendung der Meldun

BC-DX 789 05 Jan 2007 Private Verwendung der Meldun

BC-DX 789 05 Jan 2007 Private Verwendung der Meldun


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4777 Radio Gabon, *0456-<strong>05</strong>45 Dec 31, Open carrier popped on with<br />

orchestra National Anthem at 0459. Woman announcer with ID and opening<br />

announcements. Poor to fair at opening but steadily improved to fair<br />

level.<br />

(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Dec 31)<br />

17635 [17660] Today (<strong>Jan</strong>. 3) the Afro-pops have moved - at tune in 1430<br />

UT I hear the usual good signal on 17635 kHz. So maybe they are once again<br />

to be used to jam Amal? There is no trace of ANO on 17630 - there is<br />

something using the frequency which I guess will be CRI Mali.<br />

(later) Re my mail concerning Afro-pops on 17635 ... this stopped<br />

transmitting at 1530:30 and carrier finally went off about 20secs later.<br />

It took one more minute for a carrier to appear on 17630 and ANO audio to<br />

start 15 secs later. So.....?<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> <strong>Jan</strong> 3)<br />

17635 noted also today, but had some QRM by 17630, DWL NAU in German then,<br />

and another unid broadcaster. West African Pop mx station noted today <strong>Jan</strong><br />

3rd on 17635 (x17660) kHz, approx. 1300-1530 UT. I like this music style<br />

..., wb, <strong>Jan</strong> 3.<br />

GEORGIA [ABKHAZIA] 9494.75, on Dec 31 at 0350 UT, Apsua Radio<br />

(Abkhazia), in presumed Abkhaz language, music and clear IDs, slightly<br />

distorted audio, SINPO 34322. Parallel to 9535.0 where the audio seemed to<br />

be better but the signal was covered by REE. 9535 SINPO: 42322. Another<br />

new station for me, and the only one from Georgia currently, apart from<br />

the sparse Radio Hara. Rx: JRC NRD-525, Antenna: 25m wire in the trees.<br />

(Eike Bierwirth-D, dxld <strong>Jan</strong> 2)<br />

GERMANY The first three days after move from Wertachtal site to U.K.<br />

facilities at Skelton, Rampisham, and Woofferton and to Moosbrunn, DWL<br />

suffered by program audio syncronisation failure on various common co-<br />

channels like 6075, 9545, and 13780 kHz. Annoying echo reception occured<br />

between Nauen, Sines Portugal and the foreign relay sites.<br />

Here an answer from the DWL Bonn Listeners Service:<br />

Sehr geehrter Herr Krumm,<br />

wir danken Ihnen fuer Ihr Interesse an unserem Hause und Ihren Hinweis auf<br />

den gestoerten Empfang.<br />

Wie Sie vielleicht wissen, hat <strong>der</strong> britische Sen<strong>der</strong>betreiber VT<br />

Communications (VTC) am 1. <strong>Jan</strong>uar <strong>2007</strong> begonnen, die Programme von DW-<br />

RADIO ueber Kurzwelle auszustrahlen, und die Ausstrahlung ueber die<br />

Sendestation Wertachtal in Sueddeutschland wurde eingestellt. Im Zuge<br />

dieser Umstellung sind einige Probleme aufgetaucht, die unseren Fachleuten<br />

bekannt sind. Sie arbeiten daran, den Fehler zu beheben. Wir bitten um Ihr<br />

Verstaendnis und sind zuversichtlich, Ihnen schon bald wie<strong>der</strong> Sendungen in<br />

gewohnter Qualitaet bieten zu koennen.<br />

Freundliche Gruesse<br />

Franziska Sacher<br />


Kundenservice / Customer Service<br />

53110 Bonn, Germany<br />

Tel +49 228-429-3243 Fax +49 228-429-154000<br />

(via Rudolf Krumm-D, <strong>Jan</strong> 3)<br />

My first impressions of the DWL change to Merlin [VTC U.K. wb.] after one<br />

day is that signals are not as strong here as when Wertachtal was being<br />

used, but it maybe that shortwave conditions are to blame. For instance<br />

9545 kHz at 0600-1000 UT. While the signal strength meter registered about<br />

the same levels as previously, the same "weight" was not there and the<br />

signal seemed to begin fading earlier after 0900 UT.

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