BC-DX 789 05 Jan 2007 Private Verwendung der Meldun

BC-DX 789 05 Jan 2007 Private Verwendung der Meldun

BC-DX 789 05 Jan 2007 Private Verwendung der Meldun


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These agreements are interim measures that will be in place until the<br />

Draft Broadcasting Bill is passed.<br />

But newly licensed companies will find themselves in competition for<br />

broadcast time. The Telecommunications Authority is refusing to errect new<br />

transmission masts which it claims would block existing signals.<br />

This leaves only five additional frequencies for FM radio transmission.<br />

Ten companies have so far expressed an interest in having a frequency.<br />

They may have to compete for broadcast time on shared frequencies.<br />

This raises question marks about the financial viability of private<br />

broadcast radio. The Information Minister said his ministry could not<br />

interfere in the work of the Telecommunications Authority.<br />

Commenting on a critical report on the Draft Broadcasting Bill by<br />

international media NGO, Article 19, earlier this month, the Information<br />

Minister defended the impartiality of the proposed system of broadcast<br />

regulation.<br />

Nasheed said that the government had "consi<strong>der</strong>ed" the report but was not<br />

bound to act on its recommendations. He said that Article 19 had little<br />

un<strong>der</strong>standing of the "specific context" of the Maldives and encouraged<br />

them to un<strong>der</strong>take "more in depth research" before publishing "elaborate<br />

reports."<br />

Article 19 are concerned that President Gayoom will appoint members of the<br />

Broadcasting Commission, the body that will issue licenses.<br />

But Nasheed dismissed fears that this will compromise independence. He<br />

said that appointees would un<strong>der</strong>go "the same process of consultation as<br />

members of the Human Rights Commission" (HRC).<br />

Rules for the appointment of HRC members allow the Majlis to appoint a<br />

seven man Ad Hoc Committee to interview Presidential nominees. The Majlis<br />

must consi<strong>der</strong> the Committee report and then vote on whether to accept the<br />

appointee.<br />

Given the number of ruling Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) members in the<br />

Majlis, it is unlikely that any presidential appointees will be rejected.<br />

Today's announcement also signalled the government's intention to broker<br />

different Agreements with different licensees. All agreements with<br />

broadcasters will share the same structure and basic terms and conditions.<br />

But broadcasters will be allowed to request specific clauses or<br />

adjustments to reflect their particular needs.<br />

The Information Minister said this was a liberal measure, through which<br />

the government can accommodate the needs of broadcasters. But suspicion<br />

remains amongst broadcasters that the government will use tailored<br />

contracts to create an uneven regulatory environment.<br />

(NW<strong>DX</strong>C, March 28, <strong>2007</strong>)<br />

MEXICO 6045.03 R. Universidad (pres) at 1230-1300 UT on Mar 26.<br />

Classical music, not very strong. No annmts hrd while spot checking the<br />

freq; covered by VoR s/on at *1258 UT.<br />

9599.31 R. Universidad at 1302-1323 on Mar 26. Last couple minutes of<br />

classical piece; 1304 YL ancr with "Radio Universidad" ID and mention of<br />

860 kHz; more mx to 1311, then short talk on drogas. Good at tune-in but<br />

went downhill after 1300.<br />

(John Wilkins-CO-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Mar 27)<br />

MOROCCO 7135: And noted too the extreme RTM Rabat powerhouse from

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