BC-DX 789 05 Jan 2007 Private Verwendung der Meldun

BC-DX 789 05 Jan 2007 Private Verwendung der Meldun

BC-DX 789 05 Jan 2007 Private Verwendung der Meldun


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13780 2100-2157 250 KIGALI 280 WAF<br />

13790 0300-0400 250 DHABAYYA 085 SAS<br />

15275 1900-1930 250 SINES 130 C/EAF<br />

15410 <strong>05</strong>00-<strong>05</strong>30 250 DHABAYYA 220 AF<br />

15445 0400-0458 250 TRINCOMALE 255 C/EAF<br />

15595 0000-0100 250 PETROPAVL. 247 FE<br />

17710 0900-1000 250 TRINCOMALE 045 FE<br />

21840 0900-1000 250 TRINCOMALE 060 FE<br />

(DWL, Oct 18, <strong>2007</strong>; via AD<strong>DX</strong> Andreas Volk-D; comment by wb.)<br />

SAUDI ARABIA 11854.89 - two stations nearby on 11855 kHz channel. On<br />

odd seemingly BSKSA Jeddah in AR, prayer HQ at 1440 UT. And on even x.00<br />

YFR Okeechobee FL seems un<strong>der</strong>neath.<br />

(wb, wwdxc <strong>BC</strong>-<strong>DX</strong> Nov 14)<br />

JED Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.<br />

I have learned from a well-informed source that the best guess for the<br />

Jeddah SW site (seems to have MW towers, too) is here:<br />

21 22 59.13 N 39 25 21.48 E<br />

Nice site, excellent resolution on Google Earth.<br />

(Jari Perkioemaeki-FIN OH6BG, SW TX site Nov 12)<br />

Hi Jari, Thanks very much for your time & investigations into this tx<br />

site. I am more convinced that this is the correct site compared to the<br />

other few sites previously mentioned, given the look of the site &<br />

distances between masts etc.<br />

Look at (tower) 21 22 38 N 39 25 30 E, no shadow & tower image opposite<br />

the rest - looks like tower has collapsed to ground?? The more I look at<br />

the image, the more I'm convinced that this has happened.<br />

Does anyone know of a story here? GE Image date & MW listening<br />

obversations might give some clues & confirmations.<br />

(Ian Baxter-AUS, SW TXsite Nov 13)<br />

Congrats Jari,<br />

21 22 59.13 N 39 25 21.48 E seems the newer site...<br />

<br />

Interestingly the Saudis used only two frequencies a day in past seasons,<br />

either 9580 / 9675<br />

or 9580 / 11855 kHz, both non-direction.<br />

6 curtains seen, and 5 MW masts, 5 easy dipols, as well as some 2 non-dir<br />

caches.<br />

It could be, that the southerly "collapsed" mast tilt calculated, when the<br />

MW pattern changed after MW plan 1978, and replaced by a "newer" looking<br />

antenna mast at<br />

21 22 44.72 N 39 25 23.84 E<br />

We had two Djeddah sites discovered already two years ago, but had many<br />

doubts left about their purpose then.<br />

21 07 35.16 N 39 13 51.40 E<br />

is that a Red Sea maritime station or communication masts of the US Army?<br />

Patriot rocket units?<br />

21 14 36.64 N 39 09 37.99 E two masts westerly, two masts southerly.<br />

That seems the ol<strong>der</strong> MW 648 / 1512 kHz site - of previous days ?<br />

Seems like a Marconi tower design of the sixties?<br />

(wb, Nov 13)

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