lois et reglements police de roulage avec amendements

lois et reglements police de roulage avec amendements

lois et reglements police de roulage avec amendements


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He must, furthermore show his intention in conformity with Article 17,2 and, in case of<br />

necessity and un<strong>de</strong>r reserve of possible prohibition, warn the user of his intention to overtake;<br />

3. Every driver who performs an overtaking must move asi<strong>de</strong> the user or the overtaken users so<br />

as to leave a sufficient free space which can not, in any case, be lower than 50 centim<strong>et</strong>res when<br />

he has to overtake an animal-pulling vehicle, or lower to one m<strong>et</strong>re when he has to overtake a<br />

pe<strong>de</strong>strian, a bicycle or a rid<strong>de</strong>n animal or not;<br />

4. The driver who moves on a roadway may , when the width of this road does not permit to<br />

perform easily the overtaking, move to the verges as far as, taking into account the speed of the<br />

vehicles and the nature of the soil, he does not put in danger the other users;<br />

5. On public roadways having at least two traffic lanes in the direction he follows, and in so far<br />

as he should have to perform another overtaking immediately or soon after he has reached the<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r of the roadway, the driver of a vehicle of which the maximum authorised weight does<br />

not exceed 3,500 kilograms or of which the speed is, by make higher than 40 km per hour can,<br />

to perform this new overtaking, remain on the traffic lane he has followed for the preceding<br />

overtaking , on condition that he does not constitute a noticeable obstacle for drivers of faster<br />

vehicles coming behind him;<br />

6. Every driver who realises that a driver following him wishes to overtake him must, except in<br />

the case provi<strong>de</strong>d for in Article 25,1, b), of this Decree, come close to the right bor<strong>de</strong>r of the<br />

roadway , without speeding on. When the width insufficiency, the si<strong>de</strong> view, the state or the<br />

curves of the roadway do not permit, taking into account the traffic <strong>de</strong>nsity in the opposite<br />

direction, to overtake easily and without danger a bulky vehicle , slow or bound to respect a<br />

speed limitation, the driver of this vehicle must slow down and, if need be, move asi<strong>de</strong> and stop<br />

as soon as possible to l<strong>et</strong> the faster vehicle(s) which follow(s) him pass.<br />

Every driver of a vehicle, the length of which exceeds eight m<strong>et</strong>res must show, by means of an<br />

appropriate sign of this vehicle, that he has caught the warning of the driver g<strong>et</strong>ting ready to<br />

overtake him.<br />

Every driver of a vehicle at a stop who prepares himself for re-entering the traffic must keep his<br />

vehicle immobilised and surren<strong>de</strong>r the passage to vehicles g<strong>et</strong>ting ready to overtake or cross<br />

him.<br />

Article 22:<br />

1. On roadways where traffic is performed in two directions, overtaking by the left is forbid<strong>de</strong>n<br />

when, because of circumstances such as fog or rain, the presence of plantation or the proximity<br />

of a curve or of a summit of the way, the driver can not see users coming in the opposite<br />

direction at a sufficient distance to perform his manoeuvre without risk of acci<strong>de</strong>nt, except<br />

where the manoeuvre may be performed on the part of the roadway located on the right si<strong>de</strong> of a<br />

continuos white line according to Article I 10, 2, of this Decree.<br />

2. Overtaking on the left is forbid<strong>de</strong>n in case the driver to overtake has shown his intention to<br />

turn on the left according to Article 21,1, second paragraph, of this Decree.<br />

3. Overtaking any other vehicle than a two-wheels vehicle is forbid<strong>de</strong>n:<br />

a) At places provi<strong>de</strong>d with the signal n° C,13a mentioned at Annex 2 of this Decree;<br />

b) Immediately before and during the crossing of a junction other than a roundabout except:<br />

1 ° Where traffic is regulated by a qualified agent or by traffic lights;<br />

2° Where the public way where overtaking takes place is subject to priority in relation to other

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