Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila

Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila

Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila


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Juris Kronbergs je pesnik, svobodni novinar in prevajalec. Rodil se je leta<br />

1946 v latvijski družini na Švedskem. Na stockholmski univerzi je študiral<br />

literaturo in baltske jezike, pa tudi teorijo prevajanja in poezijo 20. stoletja<br />

v Cambridgeu. Konce osemdesetih in na začetku devetdesetih let prejšnjega<br />

stoletja je delal v latvijski sekciji švedskega radia ter kot prevajalec<br />

švedskega parlamenta, vlade in nordijskega ministrskega sveta. Deset let<br />

je delal v diplomaciji kot latvijski kulturni ataše na Švedskem. Bil je<br />

predsednik latvijskega PEN centra, je častni član latvijske akademije. Prejel<br />

je odlikovanji, latvijski red treh zvezd in švedski red severnice, pa tudi več<br />

štipendij in nagrad za prevode tako v Latviji kot na Švedskem, med drugim<br />

nagrado za najboljšo latvijsko pesniško zbirko leta (1997 za Volk Eno-oko).<br />

Objavil je deset pesniških zbirk, od tega eno na Švedskem in eno dvojezično,<br />

pa tudi poezijo na kompaktni plošči (eno v Latviji in eno na Švedskem).<br />

Objavil je več kot dvajset knjižnih prevodov poezije, večinoma latvijskih<br />

pesnikov v švedščini, pa tudi švedskih pesnikov v latvijščini.<br />

A poet, free-lance journalist and translator. He was born 1946 in Sweden,<br />

in a Latvian family. He studied Literature, Nordic and Baltic languages at<br />

the University of Stockholm, as well as theory of translation and 20 th Century<br />

poetry at Cambridge, England. At the end of the 1980s and the beginning<br />

of 1990s he worked in the Latvian section of Radio Sweden, and as<br />

an interpreter for the Swedish Parliament, the Swedish Government and<br />

The Nordic Council of Ministers. For ten years he served as a diplomat – as<br />

Cultural Attaché at the Latvian Embassy in Sweden. He has been the President<br />

of the Latvian PEN centre. He is a honorary member of the Academy<br />

of Science of Latvia, he has received the Latvian Three Star order, the<br />

Swedish North Star order, several scholarships and prizes for poetry and<br />

translation in Latvia and in Sweden, among them the prize for best poetry<br />

collection of the year in Latvia (1997) for the collection Wolf One-Eye. He<br />

has published ten collections of poetry, of them one in Swedish and one<br />

bilingual, as well as poetry on CD (one in Latvia and one in Sweden). He<br />

has published more than twenty books of poetry translations, mostly<br />

Latvian poetry into Swedish, but also Swedish poetry into Latvian.<br />


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