Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila

Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila

Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila


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Sydney Lea<br />

Wife-Tracking<br />

Men and women follow different rhythms.<br />

No, more than merely different: poles apart,<br />

According to the age’s trendy wisdoms.<br />

Perhaps sometimes she feels an actual start;<br />

Looking up from her desk, she may be stunned<br />

By the sky of middle February, blue<br />

That’s so much more than blue, and unruly sun<br />

That lays a string of gems on the aging snow.<br />

Upon which, work be damned, she climbs our ridge.<br />

And sometimes I myself, some hours later,<br />

Can cease my maundering over a stubborn page.<br />

Sun will have traveled ever so much farther<br />

Down than I’d have dreamed. So up I get<br />

From my own desk. I crack the study door,<br />

And even though my hearing is a wreck,<br />

My ears perceive the ravens’ repertoire<br />

In all its wild variety: that bleat,<br />

That audible yawn, that scold, that cheep, that bawl.<br />

I take to the ridge, upon whose sheet the feet<br />

Of that same lissome wife have earlier scrawled<br />

A furtive script I seek to understand.<br />

I follow the vanishing trail, eyes down, intent,<br />

Some story meanwhile scripting itself in mind.<br />

I also imagine I catch a mixture of scents:<br />

Like a working hound, I chuff and snuff, discerning<br />

Fresh air, shampoo, wet wool, some human musk.<br />

The story’s a mixture too — of sadness, yearning.<br />

I circle back to the new-lit house. It’s dusk.<br />

Perhaps inside I’ll sense those scents for certain.<br />

There are times when disparate rhythms coalesce.<br />

I see her penumbral shape behind a curtain.<br />

There’s more than I deserve in this life of bliss.<br />


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