Preuzmite kompletan časopis broj 2 u PDF formatu - Portal kulture ...

Preuzmite kompletan časopis broj 2 u PDF formatu - Portal kulture ...

Preuzmite kompletan časopis broj 2 u PDF formatu - Portal kulture ...


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ïñtérkûltúråłna ìsträživanjá<br />

LI TE RA TU RA<br />

1. Car val ho, Adal ber to Di as de, „From Con tem po rary Uto pi as to Con tem po ra ne ity as a Uto pia”, u: Utopia<br />

Matters (Theory, Politics, Literature and the Arts), ed. Fa ti ma Vi e i ra and Ma nu e la Fre i tas, Por to, Edi to ra<br />

da Uni ver si da de do Por to 2005.<br />

2. Fraj, Nor trop, „Vr ste knji žev nih uto pi ja”, De lo, Knji ga dva de set pr va, Go di na XXI, <strong>broj</strong> 11-12: 1576-77,<br />

Be o grad 1975.<br />

3. Hristić, Jovan, Če hov – dram ski pi sac, No lit, Be o grad 1981.<br />

4. Ja me son, Fre dric, Archaeologies of the Future: the Desire called Utopia and other Science Fictions, Ver so,<br />

New York, 2005.<br />

5. Ser vi je, Žan, Istorija utopije, Clio, Be o grad 2005.<br />

Glo bal uto pi as as a so ur ce of post-mo dern tra gedy<br />

SUM MARY: The ar tic le exa mi nes the way in which re pre sen ta ti ve uto pian<br />

im pul ses exi sting in the con text of to day’s glo bal mar ket ci vi li za tion may<br />

be co me ef fec ti ve fac tors of tra gic con flict wit hin cur rent co ur ses of<br />

post-mo dern dra ma.<br />

KEY WORDS: uto pia, tra gic (con flict, si tu a tion), abun dan ce, spec tral,<br />

il lu sion, adven tu re, pa rody.<br />

jovanovi@sbb.rs<br />


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