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ïñtérkûltúråłna ìsträživanjá<br />

LI TE RA TU RA<br />

1. Cal vert, Clay, Voyeur Na tion. Media, Privacy, and Peering in Modern Culture, Bo ul der Co lo ra do, Westvi<br />

ew, 2000.<br />

2. Fischer, Ro bert, „Der Schrec ken des Voyeurs. Ge walt, Lust und Schönheit in Da vidLynchs ‘Blue Vel vet’”,<br />

u: Robert Fischer/Peter Sloterdijk/Klaus Theweleit, Bil der der Ge walt. Mit einer Kon tro ver se zwischen<br />

Hans Günther Pfla um und Kla us Schreyer, Frank furt a. M., Ver lag der Auto ren, 1994: 71–89.<br />

3. Fu ko, Mi šel, Nadzirati i kažnjavati. Rođenje zatvora, Be o grad, Pro sve ta, 1997.<br />

4. Gerc, Kli ford, „Du bo ka igra: Be le ške o ba li ne žan skoj bor bi pe tlo va”, u: Kli ford Gerc, Tumačenje kultura<br />

II, Beograd, Čigoja štampa (Biblioteka XX vek, 100/2): 221–281.<br />

5. Luman, Niklas, Društveni sistemi. Osnovi opšte teorije, Srem ski Kar lov ci/No vi Sad, Iz da vač ka knji žar nica<br />

Zo ra na Sto ja no vi ća, 2001.<br />

6. Sar tr, Žan-Pol, Biće i ništavilo I. Ogled iz fenomenološke ontologije (Izabrana dela 9), Be o grad, No lit,<br />

1983.<br />

7. Schro er, Mar kus, „Der Voyeur”, u: Mo e bi us, Step han/ Schro er, Mar kus (ed.): Diven, Hacker, Spekulanten.<br />

Sozialfiguren der Gegenwart, Frank furt a. M., Su hr kamp, 2010: 451–462.<br />

8. Smi lja nić, Da mir, „Prin cip uklju če nja tre ćeg. Krat ki pri log kul tu ro lo škoj lo gi ci”, u: Interkulturalnost. Časo<br />

pis za pod sti ca nje i afir ma ci ju in ter kul tu ral ne ko mu ni ka ci je, mart 2011, br. 01: 8–16.<br />

The Lo ok of the Hid den Third.<br />

(An ti)Cul tu re of Voyeurism in the Age of Mass Me dia<br />

SUM MARY: In the fol lo wing ar tic le, the aut hor ex po ses the main cha rac te ri stics<br />

and tran sfor ma ti ons of the cul tu re of ob ser ving ot her pe o ple from the per specti<br />

ve of a third per son. In this con text the voyeurism will be di scus sed and speci<br />

fied as the lo ok of the hid den Third. Furt her mo re, the exam ple of the di sci plinary<br />

po wer shows the chan ges which con cern the op tics of po wer: from now on<br />

the di sci pli ned su bjects are put in the cen ter of at ten tion, not the re pre sen tati<br />

ves of po wer. In the (post-)mo dern age the mass me dia are for ming the (an ti)<br />

cul tu re of voyeurism – that can be exem pli fi ed bythe re cep tion of por no graphy<br />

and TV-shows such as „Big Brot her”. Fi nally, for the pur po se of over co ming the<br />

fu ti le forms of voyeurism, the aut hor sug gests that the the o re ti ci ans sho uld<br />

un der ta ke the task of cul ti va ting the ob ser va tion of ot her per sons.<br />

KEY-WORDS: ob ser va tion, voyeurism, the hid den Third, the op tics of po wer,<br />

mass me dia, ex hi bi ti o nism, por no graphy, „Big Brot her”, re fle xi ve ob ser va tion.<br />

metaphilosoph@aol.de<br />


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