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ïñtérkûltúråłna ìsträživanjá<br />

LI TE RA TU RA<br />

1. Abramovic, Marina, Cle a ning the Ho u se, Lon don, Aca demy Edi ti ons, 1995.<br />

2. Ben son, O. Ti mothy, Central European avant-gardes: exchange and transformation, 1910-1930, Los Ange<br />

les, The MIT Press, 2002.<br />

3. Bokshan, Kosara, C a ta lo g ue , Bel gra de 2002.<br />

4. Bury, Step hen, Breaking the Rules, Lon don, The Bri tish Li brary, 2007.<br />

5. Ga ge, John, Colour and Meaning, Lon don, Tha mes & Hud son, 1999.<br />

6. Kelly, Ca tri o na, A Very Short Introduction to Russian Literature, Ox ford, Ox ford Uni ver sity Press, 2001.<br />

7. Mo ri ne au, Ca mil le, Elles, Pa ris, Cen tre Pom pi dou, 2009.<br />

8. Ric hards, Mary, Marina Abramovic, Abing don, Ro u tled ge, 2010.<br />

9. Said, W. Ed ward, Reflections on Exile, Cam brid ge, MA, Har vard Uni ver sity Press, 2000.<br />

10. Vejl, Si mon, Te ži na i Bla go rod nost, No vi Sad, Sve to vi, 2007.<br />

Women Artists, Slavs and Nomads, here and there<br />

ninilazee@yahoo.fr<br />

SUM MARY: If we cla im the fact that the hi sto ri cal and bi o lo gi cal sta tus of a wo man<br />

ar tist has al ready been tra di ti o nally de nied in any so ci ety, one co uld al so no ti ce<br />

that the sta tus of a wo man ar tist li ving in exi le or in di a spo ra be co mes even more<br />

fra gi le and com pli ca ted. We wit ness cer tain re va lo ri za ti ons of the said sta tus, as<br />

with Ar te mi sia Gen ti leschi (1593–1652) or La vi nia Fon ta na (1552–1614) but the<br />

ex cep ti ons of ten pro ve the ru le. The se wo men ar tists cre a te im me mo ra ble works of<br />

art, of ten un der the most dif fi cult li ving con di ti ons, in an exi sten ti al dread, of ten<br />

sur vi ving wit ho ut so cial se cu rity or the le gal pa pers in a new en vi ron ment. Mo re o-<br />

ver, and in many ar ti stic ca ses, the ir art ap pe ars to be much mo re per ti nent than<br />

the works of the ar tists who re ma i ned in the ir ho me land. What do es an ar tist gain<br />

in a new li ving con text and what do es he/she lo se? The se are so me of the qu e sti ons<br />

which we ask in this text, which is re se arch ba sed on the the o re ti cal ex plo ra ti ons<br />

of Ed ward W. Said, a cri tic who had re se ar ched the pro blem of exi le and the displa<br />

ced pe o ple all his li fe. In the gi ven con text we fol low the li fe of wo men ar tists<br />

who se work we ha ve en co un te red whi le li ving in our per so nal exi le in New York<br />

and Pa ris: we con si der the de ve lop ment of ar tists-mem bers of „Za dar gro up” who,<br />

due to the ir po li ti cal con vic ti ons, left the ir ho me land in 1950s and li ved in Pars, as<br />

exem pli fi ed by Ko sa ra Boks han and Lju bin ka Jo va no vic; we men tion the ge ne ra tion<br />

who, ac cor ding to the ir va ri o us and re spec ti ve re a sons, left Ser bia du ring the 1970s<br />

and 1980s, as exem pli fi ed by the mem bers of the first con cep tual art gro up, Ma ri na<br />

Abra mo vic (li ving in New York) and Ev ge ni ja Dem ni ev ska (Pa ris); we men tion the<br />

„post mo derns” who fol lo wed the ir Sur re a list dri ve and went to ex plo re the unk nown<br />

ter ri tory as exem pli fi ed by Ki ri la Ra do va no vic-Fa eh (li ving in Zürich) and Vic to ria<br />

Ve sna (Los An ge les); as well as the re pre sen ta ti ves of the ge ne ra tion con cer ned<br />

with the or ga nic ap pro ach to pa in ting, such as Lju bi ca Mr kalj and Ve sna Ba jal ska<br />

(both li ving in Pa ris); as well as the re pre sen ta ti ves of the youn gest ge ne ra tion who<br />

left the ir ho me co u try in 1990s, in clu ding Se le na Vic ko vic and Oli ve ra (de) Mej cen<br />

(li ving in Pa ris) as well as Je le na Mi sko vic (Am ster dam).<br />

KEY WORDS: Exi le, plu ra lism, to tal art, ico no graphy, ot her ness, ab strac tion, tec hnocom<br />

mu ni ca tion.<br />


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