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110 CredibilUy <strong>of</strong> the Gospel History.<br />

4. <strong>The</strong>re is still another letter, written before the end <strong>of</strong><br />

the same year to Cyprian. <strong>The</strong>se two letters are among*'*<br />

Cypriai\,'s. But it is not so certain that Novatus had the<br />

chief hand in penning* this, as the former. Mr. Jackson,<br />

however, has done well in publishing it together with the<br />

other things ascribed to Novatus.<br />

5. In these pieces there is not, that I remember, any thing<br />

concerning the particular sentiment which Novatus is supposed<br />

to have maintained after his episcopal ordination ; or<br />

relating- to the differences between him and some other<br />

christians : yet surely there must have been such things.<br />

It may be argued from^ Cyprian's letters: and' Jerom<br />

speaks <strong>of</strong> epistles <strong>of</strong> Novatus that were schismatical.<br />

6. St. Jerom in his Catalogue, among other <strong>works</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

Novatus, mentions two m ith these titles. Of Easter, Of Circumcision.<br />

And in the Appendix to St. Jerom's <strong>works</strong>,<br />

there are two treatises, or epistles, without the name <strong>of</strong> the<br />

author; one entitled. Of the Celebration <strong>of</strong> Easter ; the other,<br />

Of the true Circumcision. <strong>The</strong> former <strong>of</strong> these is now allowed<br />

to be° St. Augustine's, and is published^' among' his letters:<br />

as for the other, it is generally allowed to be the Avork <strong>of</strong><br />

some later author than Novatus, forasmuch as here is express<br />

mention made <strong>of</strong> the Manicheans and Arians: nor is there'<br />

any good reason to take it for a work <strong>of</strong> St. Jerom : it must<br />

therefore be looked upon as the composition <strong>of</strong> some anonymous<br />

writer : whose time is uncertain. I shall take notice<br />

<strong>of</strong> a few things observable in it.<br />

1. Here are many quotations <strong>of</strong> the books <strong>of</strong> the Old and<br />

New Testament, or references to them.<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> author several times quotes the first'' chapter <strong>of</strong><br />

St. Matthew's gospel.<br />

Augusto exeunte, clems Romanus scribit ad Cyprianum.—Sunt autem hae<br />

cleri Romani literae praeclare scripte, et Uteris ipsuis Cypriani pene aequandae:<br />

ex qiiibus de ingenio et eloquentia Novatiani judicium teiTi potest. Hie enim<br />

banc epistolam exaravit. Pearson, Ann. Cypr. 250. n. xvi. Conf. Pagi Crit.<br />

230. n. xii.<br />

•> Ap. Cypr. Ep. 30, 36. [al. 30, 31.]<br />

* Sed enim supervenerunt postmodum aliae literce tuae,—in quibus animadverti<br />

animum tuum Novatiani Uteris motum nutare ccepisse, &c. Cypr. ad<br />

Ant. Ep. 55. [al. 52.] p. 101. et passim. ' simulque epistolas<br />

Novatiani, ut, dum schismatici hominis venena cognoscimus, libentius sancti<br />

martyris Cypriani bibamus antidotmn. Hieron. ad Paul. Concord. Ep.<br />

10. [al. 21.] p. 17. in Ed. Bened. Ego Origenem propter eruditionem sic<br />

interdum legendum arbitror, quomodo Tertullianum, Novatum, Arnobium,<br />

Apollinarium ; &c. Id. ad Tranquill. Ep. 56. [al. 76.] 589. f.<br />

8 Vid. Martian. Annotat. ap. Hieronym. T. v. p. 175.<br />

" Augustin. Ep. hb. 2. Ep. 55. Bened. [al. 119. T. ii.]<br />

* Vid. Censuram epistolaede vera Circumcisione, apud Hieron. T. v. p. 150.<br />

'' Foris scriptus est, cum evangelista ait : Liber generationis Jesu Christi,

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