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208 Credibility <strong>of</strong> the Gospel History.<br />

siirod : but this account is all false and mistaken. <strong>The</strong><br />

seventh Greek version, as it is called, was in Origen's<br />

Hexapla, and was <strong>of</strong> a part only <strong>of</strong> the Old Testament<br />

whereas Lucian's edition contained the whole Old Testament,<br />

as has been observed by' Hodyand'' MontfauQon, men well<br />

skilled in tliis matter : nor is there any good re, son to think<br />

that Lucian understood Hebrew : and the finding- the copy<br />

among- the Jews at Nicomedia ;?ppears to be altogether<br />

fabulous, or mistaken; for it is likely that' Lucian took<br />

care to publish copies <strong>of</strong> his work without delay. Yea, the<br />

author <strong>of</strong> the Synopsis himself says, that Lucian havingfinished<br />

his exact version delivered it to his christian bre-<br />

thren ;" and yet he presently afterwards adds, that after his<br />

martyrdom it was'' found in the hands <strong>of</strong> some Jews, where<br />

it had been lodged fc safety ; which, in my opinion, has<br />

not the appearance <strong>of</strong> probability : for the Jews <strong>of</strong> those<br />

times were always enemies to the christians, and no more<br />

to be confided in than heathens, especially in times <strong>of</strong> persecution.<br />

<strong>The</strong> late Jeremiah Jones thought that? the editions <strong>of</strong> the<br />

New Testament made by Lucian and Hesychius, and mentioned<br />

by Jerom, as above, arei the apocryphal gospels <strong>of</strong><br />

Lucian and Hesychius, which are censured in the decree <strong>of</strong><br />

Pope Gelasius ; and that Gelasius means not any distinct<br />

' Ut errant hi scriptores, cum editionem Luciani appellant translationem ;<br />

sic rursus falluntur, cum Septimam dicunt ; nescientes nimirum, extitisse<br />

Septimam quamdam in Hexaplis Origenis. Hod. ib. p. 627.<br />

^ Sic ille [auctor Synopseos] decantatum illani Luciani martyris editionem<br />

cum Seplima Hexaplari confudit, exque duabus unam fecit. Quod commentum<br />

Eusebii atque Hieronymi testimoniis exploditur, quorum prior, Luciano mar-<br />

tyri ffiqualis, in ipso autographo vidit Septimam ab Origene ante annos plus<br />

quinquaginta in Hexaplis positam. Ad hsec vero auctoris Synopseos narratio<br />

respuitur ex ipsis SeptimEe I'ragmentis, quae, ut testificantur Eusebius et Hieroiiymus,<br />

in paucis scripturae iibris aderat: contra vero Luciani editio totam<br />

scripturam complectcbatur, nihilque aliud erat quam interpretatio twv 6 plurimis<br />

in locis ab eodem sancto martyre emendata, quae multis post concinnata<br />

Hexajjla aiinis prodierat. Hinc vero corrigendus Waltonus, qui, ab auctore<br />

Synopseos deceptus, opinatur Septimam eandem esse, quam Luciani martyris<br />

editionem. Prolog, ix. num. xx. Montf. Praelim. in Hex. Orig. cap. 8. sect,<br />

ii. p. 58, 59. ' See Tillem. St. Lucien, not. ii. p. 404. Mem. T. v. P. iii.<br />

"' See Tillem. again, p. 405. who says, it is probable, that Lucian published<br />

many copies <strong>of</strong> his edition, and made it common.<br />

" Kai SiopOwrrafitvoQ iv roig ypafuv roiroig t^tSoro toiq x/'i"rt«i'0(c aSeX^oig.<br />

Synops. ubi supr. p. 204. A.<br />

° — Trapa lHOaioiQ.—]h.<br />

P See his canon <strong>of</strong> Scripture, vol. i. p. 281, 31 1.<br />

1 Evangelia, quae falsavit Lucianus, apocrypha. Evangelia, quae falsavit<br />

Hesychius, apocrypha. Gelas. ap. Labb. T. iv. p. 1264.<br />


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