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Methodius. A. D. 290. 187<br />

and, it" the homily or tract, to ho hereafter mcntionetl, concerning'<br />

Simeon and Anna be his, Ave have another instance<br />

<strong>of</strong> his ill-will to Origen. This is one <strong>of</strong> the arguments <strong>of</strong><br />

Combetis for the gennineness <strong>of</strong> that^ work, that the author<br />

opposeth Origen: but supposing this not to be written by<br />

Methodius, we have nevertheless a good deal <strong>of</strong> evidence <strong>of</strong><br />

his aversion to that eminent person : and I think this must be<br />

allowed to make a kind <strong>of</strong> Apology for Eusebius ; thoug'li I<br />

heartily Avish he had not carried his resentment so far as he<br />

seems to have done. He had good reason, we will su[)pose,<br />

to be displeased Avith Methodius, and he might w^ell censure<br />

and blame him for treatino- Oriaen as he did : nevertheless,<br />

he should have given Methodius a place among other ancient<br />

worthies in his Ecclesiastical History.<br />

9. <strong>The</strong>odoret" has quoted a passage <strong>of</strong> Methodius out <strong>of</strong><br />

a piece entitled, A Discourse <strong>of</strong> 3Iartyrs, <strong>of</strong> which there is<br />

nothing else remaining. I shall take notice <strong>of</strong> that passage<br />

hereafter.<br />

10. Nor have we any thing <strong>of</strong> the dialogue called Xeno,<br />

which we before observed to be taken notice <strong>of</strong> by Socrates.<br />

11. I think 1 have now put down the titles <strong>of</strong> all the <strong>works</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> Methodius, expressly mentioned by the ancients: however,<br />

it is not improbable that he wrote more; for .Jerom<br />

says there were many other beside those mentioned by him.<br />

Eusebius's passage above cited from Jerom seems to imply,<br />

that Methodius had written some good number <strong>of</strong> books<br />

before he became an enemy to Origen : and he might after-<br />

Avards also write some other, which we are not acquainted<br />

Avith.<br />

12. And there are actually several other'' things noAv<br />

extant Avhich are ascribed to him : such as, a Homily concerning<br />

Simeon and Anna; another Homily upon our Saviour's<br />

entrance into Jerusalem ; and Revelations, and a<br />

Chronicle.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se tAvo last 1 think are generally rejected as not genuine.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second likewise 1 suppose is defended by very fcAv.<br />

But the first homily, concerning Simeon and Anna, has<br />

more patrons. Not only> Combetis, and some others, bvit^<br />

Fabricius likeAvise pleads its genuineness. On the other<br />

hand Tillemont* alloAvs, there is no good reason to take it<br />

' Vid. Method. Combefis. p. 427, 469. 473, not. 42.<br />

" Vid. <strong>The</strong>odoret. Dial. i. p. 37.<br />

* See Tillem. Mem. Ec. T. v. P. iii. as before, p. 144, et notes 6 et 7, sur<br />

St. Melhode. Vid. etiarn Fabric, ut supra, p. 2.57, 258.<br />

y Vid. Combef. in Method, p. 469. ^ Fabr. ut supra, p. 257.<br />

* Tillem. as before, p. 136, 144, note vi.

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