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548 Credibility <strong>of</strong> the Gospel History.<br />

withstanding the reserv^edness which he imposed on himself<br />

in that respect, there are in him many allusions and references<br />

to them : which seems to show, that the christians <strong>of</strong><br />

that time were so habituated to the language <strong>of</strong> scripture,<br />

that it was not easy for them to avoid the use <strong>of</strong> it, whenever<br />

they discoursed upon things <strong>of</strong> a religious nature.<br />

His quotations <strong>of</strong> Sibylline books, and other writings<br />

ascribed to heathen vates or diviners, such as Hydaspes and<br />

Hern»es Trismegistus, have been just now accounted for.<br />

And it has been shown, that he was far from esteeming them<br />

<strong>of</strong> canonical authority. Nor does it appear, that he placed<br />

the Preaching <strong>of</strong> Peter and Paul in the rank <strong>of</strong> sacred scrip-<br />

ture, though he has once quoted it.<br />

IX. We come now to the author <strong>of</strong> the books <strong>of</strong> the Deaths<br />

<strong>of</strong> Persecutors : in whom there are no quotations <strong>of</strong> scripture,<br />

and but few references or allusions to it. I shall therefore<br />

transcribe but little from him at present.<br />

1. It is manifest that he refers to the Acts <strong>of</strong> the Apostles,<br />

and perhaps to the gospels likewise, in the second chapter<br />

<strong>of</strong> his work :<br />

' Near> the end <strong>of</strong> the reign <strong>of</strong> Tiberius Caesar,<br />

as we find it written, our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified by<br />

the Jews. When he had risen again on the third day, he<br />

assembled his disciples, whom the fright <strong>of</strong> his apprehension<br />

had dispersed. And continuing with them forty days, he<br />

opened their hearts, and explained to them the scriptures,<br />

which to that time were obscure and difficult to them. He<br />

also gave them instructions concerning the preaching his<br />

doctrine.—When he had so done, he was surrounded by a<br />

cloud, which, withdrawing him from human sight, carried<br />

him up to heaven. Whereupon his disciples, who were<br />

then eleven, taking into the room <strong>of</strong> Judas the traitor Matthias<br />

and Paul, went abroad throughout the world, and<br />

preached the gospel, as the Lord had commanded them.'<br />

2. This M'riter speaks <strong>of</strong> the early success <strong>of</strong> the apostles<br />

in preaching the gospel, and the swift progress <strong>of</strong> the chris-<br />

y Extremis temporibus Tiberii Csesaris, ut scriptum legiraus, Dominus<br />

noster Jesus Christus a Judaeis cruciatus est post diem decimum calendarum<br />

April is, duobiis Geminis Consulibus. Cum resurrexisset die tertio, congre-<br />

gavit discipulos, quos metus comprehensionis ejus in fugam verterat, et diebus<br />

quadraginta cum his commoratus, aperuit corda eorum, et scripturas interpretatus<br />

est, quae usque ad id tempus obscurae et involutae fuerant. Ordinavitque<br />

eos, et instruxit ad praedicationem dogmatis ac doctrinae suae.—Quo <strong>of</strong>ficio<br />

repleto, circumvolvit eum procella nubis, et subtractum oculis hominum rapuit<br />

in ccelum. Et inde discipuli, qui tunc erant undecim, assumtis in locum<br />

Judaei proditoris Matthia et Paulo, dispersi sunt per omnem terram ad evangelium<br />

praedicandum, sicut illis magister Dominus imperaverat.—De M. P.<br />

c. 2. in.

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