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Lactantius. a. D. 306. 523<br />

Apollinaris .Sitloiiius likewise allows Lactnntius^' to have<br />

had an excellent talent at confuting- error. For certain, the<br />

former is the more ditKcnlt <strong>of</strong> the two: and it is agreeable<br />

to a well known saying <strong>of</strong> Cicero himself, who had so great<br />

strength and capacity <strong>of</strong> mind :<br />

' as easily find out truth, as confute error.'<br />

'<br />

1 " wish,' says he, ' 1 conid<br />

Trithemius says, that^ Lactantius was well skilled in<br />

secular learning, and not a little conversant in the divine<br />

scriptures, and next to Cicero the m(»st eloquent <strong>of</strong> all men.<br />

It may not be amiss to take some notice likewise <strong>of</strong> the<br />

judgments <strong>of</strong> moderns upon this writer.<br />

Dr. Heumann, in his preface to his edition <strong>of</strong> the <strong>works</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> Lactantius, gives his character at large. IIe> was pious,<br />

learned, and eloquent. But there are observable in him<br />

several faults and defects. He was no critic, nor philosopher,<br />

and but a poor divine.<br />

His want <strong>of</strong> critical skill is supposed to be'^ apparent from<br />

his quoting the Sibylline oracles, and <strong>works</strong> <strong>of</strong> Hydaspes,<br />

and Hermes Trismegistus, as genuine and authentic.<br />

That he was a poor reasoner, and but an indiflferent philosopher,<br />

is'' inferred from his arguments against antipodes,<br />

and from his reasonings upon some other occasions.<br />

Lastly, he'' was a miserable divine. For he speaks differ-<br />

ently from the sound doctrine <strong>of</strong> the church concerning the<br />

Trinity, and several other points.<br />

Bull says, that'' sometimes Lactantius speaks orthodoxly<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Son. This matter has been carefully examined by''<br />

Petavius and ''Nourry, to M'hom I refer.<br />

" Instruit ut Hieronymus, destruit lit Lactantius, adstruit ut Aiigustinus,<br />

Sidon. Ep. 1. iv. ep. 3. p. 9.<br />

"* Nota Ciceronis vox est : Utinam<br />

tarn facile vera invenire possem, quam falsa convincere. 1. ii. c. 3. sub fin.<br />

" Vir in secularibus Uteris abundanter doctus, et in divinis scripturis<br />

notabiliter institutus, ita ut in arte dicendi post Ciceronem facile obtinuerrt prin-<br />

cipatiim. De Scr. Ec. cap. 56.<br />

y Virtutes ipsius tres cognovi, pietatem, variam doctrinam, eloquentiam :<br />

quarum prima vel sola commendare valet horum librorum lectionem. Appare^<br />

bit certe cuivis lectori bono vere pium, christianaque virtute non tinctum, sed<br />

imbutum, fuis?e Lactantium. Ileum. Pr. sub fin.<br />

^ Tria item animadverti ejus vitia. Primum scilicet caruil facultale critica,<br />

acerrime ob id notatus a Thoma Reinesio in libro de Sibyllinis Oraculis. id. ib.<br />

* Deinde permediocris fuit noster Lactantius philosophus. Ecquis hodie<br />

non rideat ejus de antipodibus disputationem— ? ibid.<br />

'' Postremo fatenduni ingenue, fuisse Lactantium perminutum theologum.-^<br />

Ne satis quidem perceperat ecclesiae doctrinas ; recteque sibi de Christo, de<br />

Trinitate, deque aliis rebus docere videbatur, cum multa traderet a sensu verae<br />

ecclesiae alienissima. ibid.<br />

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