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90 Credibiidij <strong>of</strong> the Guspel History,<br />

mans. Nevertheless, afterwards there arose a dispute among<br />

them upon this point, m hich divided the sect ; as is related<br />

by " Socrates and " Sozomen.<br />

I took notice just now, that Cyprian was not unwilling" to<br />

allow that Novatus thought rightly about the Trinity ; but<br />

M'hether he was really orthodox, or held the Nicene faith, is<br />

another question, and a point not so easily decided. From"<br />

Jerom andy Rufinus we learn, that the people <strong>of</strong> the Macedonian<br />

sect at Constantinople were fond <strong>of</strong> the book which<br />

Novatus wrote upon the Trinity, supposing it favourable to<br />

their notion about the Spirit. And among the moderns<br />

Frederic Spanheim says, that^ though Novatus maintained a<br />

Trinity <strong>of</strong> persons in one Godhead, against Sabellius, and<br />

asserted Christ's divinity, yet he speaks in a most dangerous<br />

manner <strong>of</strong> the Spirit, as less than Christ, and a creature.<br />

Tillemont^ says, that, in the 22d and 24th chapters <strong>of</strong> his<br />

book upon the Trinity, he teaches the Son to be less than the<br />

Father, and the Spirit to be less than the Son; and that there<br />

are in him other things tending- to Arianism. Du Pin'^ and"^<br />

Bishop Bull are better satisfied Avith the treatise upon the<br />

Trinity. But enough <strong>of</strong> that matter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Novatians are said by several ancient writers to have<br />

condemned second marriages as unlawful and sinful, insomuch<br />

that they would not receive those to communion who married<br />

a second time. So*^ Epiphanius, and*^ Augustine in his Book<br />

and in another work, entitled, Of the Advantage<br />

<strong>of</strong> Heresies :<br />

<strong>of</strong> Widowhood, if it be his, he' joins them with the Cataphrygians,<br />

as agreeing with them in this respect : and Rufinus°<br />

upon the Creed says roundly, that Novatus, meaning, I<br />

" Socr. 1. V. cap. 21. p. 282. ^ Soz. 1. vi. cap. 24. 1. vii. cap. 18.<br />

" Transit ad inclytum martyrem CyprJanum, et dicit, Tertulliani librum, cui<br />

titulus est de Trinitate, sub nomine ejus Constantiuopoli a IMacedonianse partis<br />

haereticis lectitari. In quo crimine mentitur duo. Nam nee Tertulliani liber<br />

est, nee Cypriani dicitur, sed Novatiani, cujus et inscnbitur titulo et auctoris<br />

eloquium styli proprietas demonstrat. Hieron. Apol. adv. Ruf. 1. 2. p. 415.<br />

T. iv. Bened. ^ Vid. Ruf. de Adult. Libr. Orig. ap. Hieron. T. v. p. 253.<br />

^ Ac quamquam in una deitate perj-onarura Tnnitatem distinguit, contra<br />

Sabellium, adstruatque Christi divinitatem : tamen de Sp. S. ut minore Chnsto,<br />

et creatura, locutus admodum periculose est. Spanh. Hist. Ec. Sect iii. p. 782.<br />

^ See TiUemont. Les Novatiens, art. 3.<br />

'' Du Pin. Bibl. des Auf. Eccl. " Def. Fid. >'ic. Sect, ii.cap. x.<br />

^ OiiTOi CE s ftsXovrai ciya/iotf nriKOiviiivtiv' a yap nc [iera to ftaitriana<br />

iTvva. 495. ® Secundas nuptias non admittunt. Hajr. 38.<br />

'' Aug. de Bono. Vid. cap. 4. T. vi, Bened.<br />

8 Et quod Novatus solicitavit, lapsis pcenitentiam denegando, et secundas<br />

nuptias, cum forte iniri eas necessitas exegerit, condemnando. Rufin. in Symb.<br />

Ap. cap. 39. p. 22G. ap. Cyprian. Op. edit. Baluz. p. 27. Oxon. ap. Hieron.<br />

Ojjer. p. 142. f. T. v. Benedict.

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