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Arnobius. a. D. 306. 465<br />

rally reckoned rough and unpolished, and hath in it some<br />

uncoutli and obsolete words: it is strong and nervous, and*<br />

there are in him shining and beautiful passages, which must<br />

highly please attentive readers <strong>of</strong> good taste. It is very<br />

much to the honour <strong>of</strong> this rhetorician, learned in all* the<br />

learning <strong>of</strong> Greece and Rome, that he endjraced the christian<br />

religion when under persecution : and that, like Moses, " he<br />

chose rather to suffer alHiction with the people <strong>of</strong> God, than<br />

to enjoy the pleasures <strong>of</strong> sin for a season: esteeming the<br />

reproach <strong>of</strong> Christ greater riches than the treasures " <strong>of</strong> all<br />

the world. Heb. xi. 25, 26. And see Acts vii. 22.<br />

III. I shall now make some extracts out <strong>of</strong> Arnobius. 1.<br />

He represents the sum <strong>of</strong> the christian religion in this manner:<br />

' We" christians are men that worship the great Lord<br />

' and governor <strong>of</strong> the Morld, according to the direction <strong>of</strong><br />

' Jesus Christ. If you examine it, you will find nothing else<br />

' in this reliffion : this is the sum <strong>of</strong> the whole af!"air : this is<br />

' the scope and design <strong>of</strong> all our religious <strong>of</strong>fices: to this<br />

' supreme Lord we all bow down : him we worship with<br />

' united prayers : to him we present holy, and innocent, and<br />

' honourable requests, fit to be heard by him.'<br />

I place ^ another like passage at the bottom <strong>of</strong> the page,<br />

without translating it, but referring it to the consideration<br />

<strong>of</strong> my readers.<br />

2. It is worth while to observe, what arguments Arnobius<br />

makes use <strong>of</strong> to prove the truth and divine original <strong>of</strong> the<br />

christian religion.<br />

(1.) One argument insisted on by him is its excellence.<br />

For this I would refer to what was before said"^ concerning<br />

* Negari tamen non potest, plurima passim occiirrere apte, polite, eleganter,<br />

et rhetonce dicta, ac gravissimis ornata illusfrataque verbis et sententiis. Nourry<br />

Diss, in Amob. cap. ii. p. 287. A. B.<br />

' Quem quidem locum plena jamdudum homines pectoris vivi tam Romanis<br />

literis explicavere qiiam Graecis. 1. iii. p. 103.<br />

" Nihil siunus aliiid christian!, nisi, magistro Christo, summi regis et principis<br />

veneratores. Nihil, si consideres, aliud invenies in isti religione versari. Haec<br />

totius summa est actionis. Hie propositus terminus divinorum <strong>of</strong>ficiorum, hie<br />

finis. Huic omnes ex more prosternimur ; hunc coUatis precibus adoramus.<br />

Ab hoc justa, et honesta, etaudituejuscondignadeposcimus. 1. i. p. 14, et 15.<br />

" Qui [Christus] si dignus non esset, cui auscultare deberetis, aut credere ;<br />

vel hoc ipso fuerat non aspernandus a vobis, ostenderet quod vias vobis ad<br />

ccelum et vota immortalitatis optaret, qui hominibus caecis, et revera in<br />

impietate degentibus, pietatis aperuit januas, et cui se submitterent indicavit.<br />

An ulla est religio verior, <strong>of</strong>ficiosior, potenlior, justior, quam Deuni principem<br />

nosse, scire Deo principi siipplicare, qui bonorum omnium solus caput et fons<br />

est, perpetuarum pariter fundator et conditor rerum, a quo omnia terrena,<br />

cunctaque coelestia animantur, et qui si non esset, nulla pr<strong>of</strong>ecto res<br />

esset, quae aliquod nomen, substantiamque portaret ? 1. ii. p. 42, 43. Vid. et<br />

p. 13. f. " See p. 463, 464.<br />

vol.. III. 2 H

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