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7746 Manichees. Sect. VI. 393<br />

<strong>The</strong> appointment <strong>of</strong> sacrifices, such as those in the law <strong>of</strong><br />

Moses, they pretentled was unworthy <strong>of</strong> God, and therefore<br />

was not from him, but from some evil beings. This way <strong>of</strong><br />

arguing- is ascribed to Mani ' in the Acts <strong>of</strong> Archelaus, and<br />

is also made use <strong>of</strong> by** Faustus.<br />

It is easy to think they'' did not fail to expose the ordinance<br />

<strong>of</strong> circunicision, as much as they were able.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y pretended that'' the law and the gospel were contrary<br />

to each other, and therefore they were not both from<br />

one aiul the same being-. In the Old Testament men are encouraged<br />

by the hopes<strong>of</strong> riches, and other temporal blessings.<br />

But Jesus Christ blesseth the poor, and declareth that no<br />

man can be his disciple who forsaketh not all that he hath.<br />

This argument is put into the mouth <strong>of</strong>'' 3Iani in the Acts<br />

<strong>of</strong> Archelaus: and it is with the utmost disdain thnt^ Faustus<br />

speaks <strong>of</strong> the blessings promised in the Old Testament ; such<br />

as riches, plenty, longflowing-<br />

with milk and<br />

life, a<br />

honey.<br />

numerous progeny, a<br />

He is fully satisfied<br />

land<br />

with<br />

the spiritual blessings <strong>of</strong> the gospel. Nor would he accept<br />

<strong>of</strong> such good things as the law promiseth, if <strong>of</strong>l^ered him.<br />

Again, says Faustus : ' Our^ church is poor indeed, but she is<br />

fugisset ex ^gypto. Jesus autem nihil proximi desiderandum praecepit. Ap.<br />

Arch. c. 40. p. G9. * Ipse [Satanas] est enim, qui in prophetis<br />

tunc locutus est, plurimas eis de Deo ignorantias suggerens, et tentationes, et<br />

concupiscentias. Sed et devoratorem euin sanguinis et carnis ostendunt. Qu3s<br />

omnia ad eum pertinent Satanain, et ad prophetas ejus. Ap. Arch. c. 13. p. 25.<br />

'' Placet ad ingluviem Judaeorum dsemonis—nunc tauros, nunc arietes,<br />

nunc efiam hircos, ut non et homines dicam, cultris sternere ; ac propter quod<br />

idola sumus exosi, id nunc exercere crudelius sub prophetis ac lege ?<br />

18. c. 2. Vid. supr. not. ».<br />

Faust. 1.<br />

' Nam peritomen ege, ut pudendam, despui, ac, si non fallor, et tu. Id. 1.<br />

6. c. i. Placet ciicumcidi, id est, pudendis insignire pudenda, et Deum cre-<br />

dere sacramentis talibus delectari ? Id. 1. 18. c. 2.<br />

^ Legem Moysi, ut breviter dicam, dicebat hie non esse Dei boni, sed<br />

maligni principis, nee habere earn quidquam cognationis ad novam legem<br />

Christi ; sed esse contrariam et inimicam, alteram alteri obsistentem. Arch.<br />

c. 40. p. 69.<br />

^ Dicebat ergo, quod ibi dixerit Deus, Ego divilem et pauperem facie.<br />

Hie vero Jesus beatos dicebat pauperes. Addebat etiam, quod nemo possit<br />

ejus esse discipulus nisi renunciaret omnibus quae haberet. Id. ib.<br />

' Cur non accipis Testamentum Vetus? Quia et ab ipso hoc, et ex Novo<br />

didicimus, aliena non concupiscere.—Divitias promittit, et ventris saturitatem,<br />

et filios et nepotes, vitamque longam, et Chananitidis regnum. Judaeis bona<br />

sua habere, libens volensque permisi, solo scilicet evangelic, et regni coelorum<br />

splendida haereditate contentus. Faust. 1. x. c. 1. Secunda vero causa est,<br />

quod t.am etiam misera ejus, et corporalis, ac longe ab animae commodis<br />

haereditas est, ut post beatam illam Novi Testament! poUicitationem, quae<br />

ccelorum mihi regnum, et vitam perpetuam repromittit, etiam si gratis earn<br />

mihi testator suus ingereret, fastidirem. Id. 1. 4. c. i.<br />

s Et quia ecclesia nostra, sponsa Christi, pauperior quidem ei nupta, sed<br />

diviti, contenta sit bonis mariti sui, humilium amatomm dedignatur opes.

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