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426 Credibility <strong>of</strong> the Vospel liistonj.<br />

<strong>The</strong> passages <strong>of</strong> Titus above cited imply as much. Pope<br />

Leo > seems to say it expressly.<br />

But they may be acquitted here likewise. I have formerly^<br />

said what is sufficient for answering Titus. And Fabri-<br />

cius" has helped us to a good solution for Leo. ' All that is<br />

' to be understood by his complaint against the Manichees,<br />

' is, that they made use <strong>of</strong> some apocryphal books, in which<br />

' Christ was brought in speaking what he never said: but<br />

' they did not make any alterations in the words <strong>of</strong> thegos-<br />

' pels <strong>of</strong> Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, or any other <strong>of</strong> the<br />

' canonical books <strong>of</strong> the New Testament received by them,<br />

' but only endeavoured to pervert them by false interpreta-<br />

' tions.'<br />

That they really did not make any siich alterations may<br />

be well argued from the testimony given by Photius to the<br />

Paulicians <strong>of</strong> his time, whom he always considers as Mani-<br />

chees. He says, ' they'' do not make any material altera-<br />

' tions in the scriptures, as Marcion and Valentinus did.'<br />

And presently afterwards he says, ' they do not corrupt the<br />

* gospel by any insertions or additions.'<br />

Mr. Wolff, in his notes upon that passage <strong>of</strong> Photius, says<br />

he does not see how this can be reconciled with the accounts<br />

given by Titus and Archelaus. As for Titus, what was<br />

formerly said may suffice. Nor is there, perhaps, any greater<br />

difficulty in the words <strong>of</strong> Archelaus. We have indeed seen<br />

that'^ Mani pretended the scriptures <strong>of</strong> the New Testament<br />

had been altered by others. And in the place referred to by<br />

Mr. Wolff, Archelaus says that ' when'' Mani had ourscrip-<br />

y Ipsasque evaogelicas et apostolicas paginas, quaedam auferendo,et qua^dam<br />

inserendo, violaverunt ; confingentes sibi, sub apostolorum nominibus, et sub<br />

verbis ipsis Salvatoris, multa volumina falsitatis, quibus erroris sui commenta<br />

muniront, et decipiendorum mentibus mortiferum virus eifunderent. Leo,<br />

Semi. 4. in Epiph. cap. 4. ^ See p. 410.<br />

* Haec Leonis verba accipienda sunt de libris apocryphis a nescio quibus<br />

sutoribus fabularum sub apostolorum nomine scriptis, quos a Manichaeis lectos<br />

notat Augustinus, 1. 22. c. 79. Contra Faustum, et Timothaeus presbyter in<br />

loco supra, p. 178, et seq. adducto. In his Salvator subinde loquens induce-<br />

batur. Caeterum in evangeliis Matthaei, Marci, Lucae, et Joannis, atque in<br />

epistolis Pauli,—nihil vel inserendo vel auferendo violasse haereticos istos, sed<br />

tantum prava interpretatione scripta ilia divina pervertisse, lestatur Photius<br />

MS. contr. Manichaeos, lib. i. Fabr. ib. p. 30G, 337.<br />

'' roiQ piifiitTi fiiv Kai ov<strong>of</strong>iaaiv sStv fiiyct TrapaXKaTTiov, sSe Kara-<br />

KtpSr)\tvo)v r« Xoy« to (f^i]f.ia — Kai ra f.nv prjra— SiSwai Kanx^'-v ''** '"' tvay-<br />

yiKiH, fiiiTs iTaptvdi}Kui

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