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398 Credibility <strong>of</strong> the Gospel History.<br />

Faustus <strong>of</strong>ten says that' he receives tlie gospel ; meaning<br />

thereby the doctrine taught by Jesus Christ.<br />

He says that'' he, as well as the catholics, own Jesus to<br />

be the author <strong>of</strong> the New Testament or covenant.<br />

He mentions' the four evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke,<br />

and John, without hinting that there were any other authen-<br />

tic historians <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ.<br />

He seems to allow that John wrote the gospel under his<br />

name. For, mentioning Peter and Andrew, James and<br />

John, as the first and most early disciples <strong>of</strong> Jesus, he says<br />

' <strong>of</strong> all tliese four John only wrote a gospel.'<br />

In the Acts <strong>of</strong> Archelaus it is expressly said that ' Mani"<br />

' argued from the gospel, and the apostle Paul ;' that is,<br />

from the gospels, and from the epistles <strong>of</strong> that apostle.<br />

Phot i us, in his extracts from Agapius, says that ' he°<br />

' quoted many passages <strong>of</strong> the divine gospel, and the epistles<br />

' <strong>of</strong> the divine Paul.'<br />

Augustine speaks <strong>of</strong>p their using the four gospels, and<br />

the epistles <strong>of</strong> Paul ;<br />

and frequently <strong>of</strong> theiri approving or""<br />

admitting- the authority <strong>of</strong> the gospel and the apostle.<br />

2. With regard to St. Matthew's gospel, Faustus has<br />

disputed its genuineness. He is answering the catholic<br />

argument for the authority <strong>of</strong> the Old Testament, taken from<br />

the words <strong>of</strong> our Lord in Matt. v. 17 : and, among other<br />

' Accipis evangelium ? Et maxime. Faust. 1. 2. c. ] . Accipis evangelium ?<br />

Tu me interrogas, utrum accipiam, in quo idipsum apparet, quia quae jubet<br />

observe.—Nisi adhuc nescis, quid sit quod evangelium nuncupatur. Est<br />

enim nihil aliud, quam pr cdicatio et mandatum Christi. Id. 1. 5. c. 1.<br />

'' Quod Novum Testamentum Jesum condidisse utrique fatemur. id. 1. 18.<br />

c. 1. ' Sed otlensus duorum evangelistarum maxime dissensions,<br />

qui genealogiam ejus scribunt, Lucae et Matthaei, haesi insertus quemnara<br />

potissimum sequerer.—Infinita ergo eorum prcetemiissa lite, ad Joannem<br />

Marcumque me contuli ; nee impariter a duobus ad duos, et ab evangelistis<br />

ad ejusdem nominis pr<strong>of</strong>essores. Faust. 1. 3. c. i.<br />

" Quibus praesentibus ? Petro, Andrea, Jacobo, et Joanne.—Ex his qua-<br />

tuor onus, id est, Joannes, evangelium scripsit ? Ita. Faust. 1. 17. c. i.<br />

" Deinde ccepit dicere plurima ex lege, multa etiam de evangelic, et<br />

apostolo Paulo, quae sibi videntur esse contraria. Arch. c. 40. p. 69.<br />

° aTToaTTaoaaffiov Se pTjra riva tu Otis tvayyiKis, Kai tni'^oXwv tu<br />

Oita IlavXn, TTtipa-ai TptfiXsv avra, Kai vpoQ Tr]v oiKitav Svacrefieiav tXKiiv.<br />

Ph. Cod. 179. p. 405.<br />

p Aut si talis oratio impudens est, sicuti est, cur in Pauli epistolis,<br />

cur in quatuor evangelii libris ea valere aliquid putant— ? De Util. Cred.<br />

cap. 3. n. 7.<br />

1 Nam quaero ab eis, utrum bonum sit delectari lectione apostoli,—et utrum<br />

est.<br />

Bonum bonum sit evang»?lium disserere ? Respondebunt ad singula :<br />

Conf. 1. 8. c. x. p. 24.<br />

" Videamus, quemadmodum ipse Dominus in evangelio nobis praeceperit<br />

esse vivendum ; quomodo etiam Paulus apostolus. Has enim scripturas illi<br />

condemnare non audent. De M. E. C. c. 7. n. 13. in.<br />


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