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<strong>The</strong> Manichecs. Sect. IV. 331<br />

saying- that we ought to love God and our neighbour. But<br />

they denied that (his was taught in the Old Testament.<br />

Let me here add the confession <strong>of</strong> faith made by Fortunatus<br />

at the beginning- oi tlie dispute with Augustine in the<br />

year 392 ; though some expressions there used are not<br />

altogether agreeable to tlie catholic doctrine.<br />

' Our belief,' says'"^ Fortunatus, ' is this, that God is<br />

incorruptible, glorious, inaccessible, incomprehensible,<br />

impassible, dwelling in his own eternal light: that he produceth<br />

nothing- from himself that is corruptible, not darkness,<br />

not dtemons, not Satan : that he has sent a Saviour<br />

like himself, the Word, born before the foundation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

world ; who after the world M'as made, came among men<br />

to save the souls worthy <strong>of</strong> his holy favour, sanctified by<br />

his heavenly precepts, through faith and reason endowed<br />

with the knowledge <strong>of</strong> heavenly things : and that under<br />

his conduct those souls shall again return to the kingdom<br />

<strong>of</strong> God, according- to his holy promise, M'ho said : " J am<br />

the way, the truth, and the door: and no man cometh unto<br />

the Father but by me," John xiv. 6. <strong>The</strong>se things we<br />

believe, forasmuch as souls cannot otherwise, that is, through<br />

any other mediator, return to the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God : for he<br />

himself says, " He that hath seen me hath seen the Father<br />

also," ver. 9: and, " He that believeth on me shall not<br />

taste death, but passeth from death to life, and cometh not<br />

into condemnation," chap. V. 24. <strong>The</strong>sethings we believe,<br />

and this is the ground <strong>of</strong> our faith ; as also, that with all<br />

the powers <strong>of</strong> our mind we are to obey his holy commandments,<br />

holding the doctrine <strong>of</strong> the Trinity, the Father, the<br />

Son, and the Holy Ghost.'<br />

' Et nostra pr<strong>of</strong>essio ipsa est, quod incorruptibilis sit Deus, quod lucidus,<br />

quod inadibilis, quod intenibilis, impassibilis setemam lucem et propriam<br />

inhabitet : quod nihil ex sese corruptibile pr<strong>of</strong>erat, nee tenebras, nee daemo-<br />

nes, nee Satanam ; nee aliquid adversum in regno ejus reperiri possit : Sui<br />

autem similem Salvatorem direxisse, Verbum natum a constitutione mundi,<br />

cum mundum fabricaret, post mundi fabricam inter homines venisse, dignas<br />

sibi animas elegisse sanctaB suae voluntati, mandatis suis ccelestibus sanctifi-<br />

catas, fide ac ratione imbutas coelestium rerum ; ipso ductore hinc iteruin<br />

easdem animas ad regnum Dei reversuras esse, secundum sanctam ipsius<br />

polhcitationem, qui dixit : Ego sum via, Veritas, et janua ? et nemo potest ad<br />

Patrem pervenire nisi per me. His rebus nos credimus, quia aUas animae, id<br />

est, alio mediante non poterunt ad regnum Dei reverti, nisi ipsum repererint,<br />

viam, veritatem, et januam. Ipse enim dixit : qui me vidit, vidit et patrem<br />

meum ; et, qui in me crediderit, mortem non gustabit in aeternum, sed transitum<br />

facit de morte ad vitam, et in judicium non venit. His rebus credimus;<br />

et haecest ratio fidei nostrae, et pro viribus animi nostri mandatis ejus obtem-<br />

perare, unam fidem sectantes hujus Trinitatis, Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.<br />

Fortunat. Disp. i. n. 3.

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