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<strong>The</strong> Manichees. Sect. IV. 357<br />

<strong>of</strong> the elements to an intelligent and powerful cause, even''<br />

God.<br />

Here, therefore, I insert the observation deferred before,<br />

which is this : since Beausobre allows that, according* to<br />

the Manichees, the devil, who M'as not properly eternal, was<br />

formed by the violent and irregular motion <strong>of</strong> eternal matter<br />

and since Augustine expressly says, that the elements in the<br />

kingdom <strong>of</strong> darkness'' begot their several princes; in like<br />

manner, perhaps the land <strong>of</strong> darkness, once irrational, gained<br />

reason, or cunning and skill, by some violent and tumultuous<br />

agitations. Or, possibly, they never ascribed reason to<br />

daemons, though they allowed them to have a great deal <strong>of</strong><br />

cunning.<br />

I beg- leave to observe farther, that '^ Augustine <strong>of</strong>ten speaks<br />

<strong>of</strong> mind in matter, according to the Manichean scheme : as<br />

does* Mani himself in his Epistle <strong>of</strong> the Foundation. And<br />

Augustine thinks he has a great advantage, in his argument<br />

with them, when he observes* how many good things they<br />

placed in the evil nature; such as life, power, memory,<br />

intellect, proportion, and order.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir doctrine <strong>of</strong> two principles the Manichees endeavoured<br />

to support by texts <strong>of</strong> the New Testament. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten argued from" those words <strong>of</strong> our Saviour, Matt. vii.<br />

P Beausobre has exactly the hke thought, though I was not aware <strong>of</strong> it when<br />

I wrote what is above. However I here transcribe his words. 11 ne faut<br />

pourtant pas s'imaginer, qu'il crut le Demon eternel. Sans doute il le faisoit<br />

nSitre du mouvement deregle de la matiere, comme d'anciens philosophes<br />

croyoient que les animaux e'toient nes de la corruption de la terre. C etoit<br />

le sentiment des Manicheens, qu'on attribue aussi aux Priscillianistes. Nee<br />

natura ejus [Diaboli] opificium Dei sit, sed eum ex chao et tenebris emersisse.<br />

Leo Ep. XV. N°. 5. p. 452. Beaus. T. i. p. 388.<br />

'i Quinque enim elenienta, quae genuerunt principes proprios, genti tribuunt<br />

tenebrarum. De Haer. cap. 46. sub in.<br />

* Hinc enim et mali substantiam quamdani credebam esse talem, et habere<br />

suam molem terram, sive crassam et delbrmem, sive tenuem et subtilem, sicut<br />

est aeris corpus, quam malignam mentem per illam terram repentem imaginan-<br />

tur. Confess. 1. 5. c. x. n. 20. Haec dixi, ut, si fieri potest, tandem dicere<br />

desinatis, malum esse terram per inunensum pr<strong>of</strong>undam et longam ; malum<br />

malum esse quinque antra elemenforum<br />

esse mentem per terram vagantem ;<br />

malum esse animalia in iliis nata dementis. De M. Manich. c. 9, n. 14.<br />

^ in qua morabatur immanis princeps omnium et dux, habens circa<br />

se innumerabiles principes, quorum omnium ipse eiat mens atque origo. ap.<br />

Aug. contr. Epist. Manich. c. 15. n. 19.<br />

' ita errantes, ita delirantes,—ut non videanl, et in eo quod dicunt<br />

naturam surami mali, ponere se tanta bona, ubi ponunt vitam, potentiam,<br />

memoriam, intellectuin, teinperiem,— mensuras, numeros,— ordinem. De<br />

Nat. Boni. cap. 41. " Cui enim opoilet credi ? magistris<br />

vestris istis,—aut Salvatori Christo dicenti, sicut scriptum est in evangel-iorum<br />

hbro, Non potest arbor bona malosfructus facere— ? ap. Arch. n. 13. p. 24.<br />

Vid. et n. 5. p. 7.<br />

—<br />


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