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Trealises joined with Cyprian's Wurks. A. D. 250. 57<br />

no necessity to be n\ore particular here, since it may be relied<br />

upon, and taken lor granted, that this deacon's canon was<br />

the same with his bishop's.<br />

11. <strong>The</strong>re are several treatises, which sometimes have been<br />

ascribed to St. Cyprian, but are now generally allowed by<br />

learned men not to be his. 1 shall here speak <strong>of</strong> four <strong>of</strong><br />

them : Of shows ; Of discipline and the benelit <strong>of</strong> chastity ;<br />

Of the praise <strong>of</strong> martyrdom ; Against the heretic Novatian,<br />

or, Against the Novatian heretic. Of the first two, and the<br />

last, l3u Pin'" says, they are ancient and useful; that they<br />

appear to have been all three written by one and the same<br />

person, and that they might be reckoned pieces <strong>of</strong> St. Cyprian,<br />

if it were not tor the difterence <strong>of</strong> style ; and that they<br />

are not ascribed to him in the manuscripts, but only in the<br />

printed editions. As I do not see any plain marks <strong>of</strong> these<br />

three pieces having* one and the same author, I shall give a<br />

distinct account <strong>of</strong> all the four treatises just mentioned, according<br />

to the order they are placed in above, which is the<br />

same they have in the appendix <strong>of</strong> St. Cyprian's genuine<br />

<strong>works</strong> in the Oxford edition. Afterwards 1 shall make some<br />

extracts out <strong>of</strong> the book <strong>of</strong> an anonymous author. Concerning<br />

the rebaptizing- <strong>of</strong> heretics : and lastly, out <strong>of</strong> a small<br />

piece, entitled, a Computation <strong>of</strong> Easter ; all these being<br />

now usually joined in the volume <strong>of</strong> St. Cyprian's <strong>works</strong>.<br />

I. 1 begin" with the piece. Of shows, which is called an<br />

epistle <strong>of</strong> an unknown author. It seems to have been written<br />

by a bishop, then" unwillingly separated from his people,<br />

and who had not frequent opportunities <strong>of</strong> writing- to them.<br />

TillemontP says that, whoever Avas the author, it is an excellent<br />

work: thafi it Avas written in the times <strong>of</strong> heathenism,<br />

Mhen"^ exoreisms were frequent in the church, and'' whilst it<br />

was yet the custom to carry the eucharist home. That it<br />

was written in the time <strong>of</strong> heathenism, I think apparent from<br />

divers passages. This book is much commended by the*<br />

quia f oto corde crediderat, a Philippo statini tinctus ; non est similis compara-<br />

tio. Ibid. p. 2. "^ S. Cyprien. Bibl. des Aut, Ecc. T. i. p. 172.<br />

" De Spectaculis. Epistola ignoti auctoris. " Ut me salis confristat,<br />

et animum meum graviter affligit, cum nulla milii scribendi ad vos<br />

porrigitur occasio, (detrimentum enim est meum vobiscum non colloqui,)<br />

ita nihil mihi tantam Isetitiam hilaritatemque restituit, quam cum adest iiirsus<br />

occasio. p. 2. Ed. Ox. p Mem. Ec. T. iv. St. Cyprien. art. 22. See<br />

also note xxviii. ^ Quod enim spectaculum sine idolo ? quis ludus<br />

sine sacrificio ? quod certamen non consecratum mortuo ? p. 3. a. vid. quae<br />

sequuntur. / Impudenter in ecclesia daemonia exorcizat, quorum<br />

voluptates in spectaculis laudat. p. 3. a. * Qui festinans ad spectaculum,<br />

dimissus, et adhuc gerens secum, ut assolet, eucharistiam inter corpora obscoena<br />

meretricium tulit. p. 3. b. m. * Vit. S. Cypr. sect, xxxv.

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