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LuciAN. A. D. 290. 207<br />

Egypt : but*" Martianay denies this. He says that the editions<br />

made by Lucian and llesy chins were used in those<br />

countries by a few only, and those men <strong>of</strong> mistaken judgment<br />

; and tliat the edition made from Origen's Ilexapla<br />

generally prevailed everywhere: and it nuist be owned,<br />

that in the last cited passag'e Jeroni not only censures the<br />

interpolations <strong>of</strong> those two critics in the New Testament, but<br />

likewise their emendations <strong>of</strong> the Old: and in the passage<br />

which I have put in the margin, he depreciates Lucian's<br />

edition <strong>of</strong> the Seventy, in comparison <strong>of</strong> Origen's, which last<br />

he himself folloM^ed in his translation <strong>of</strong> the Old Testament<br />

from the Greek.<br />

Humphrey Hody doubted whether*^ Lucian and Hesychius<br />

had ever seen Origen's edition <strong>of</strong> the version <strong>of</strong> the Seventy :<br />

nor indeed have M'e any certain information upon that head,<br />

very little being said <strong>of</strong> their editions in the remaining pieces<br />

<strong>of</strong> ancient authors : but as Origen's performance was much<br />

celebrated, and his Tetrapla and Hexapla had been formed<br />

a good while before Lucian and Hesychius undertook any<br />

thing- <strong>of</strong> that kind, it may be thought probable that those<br />

learned men were acquainted with Origen's Seventy ; though<br />

perhaps they had not seen that correct edition which was<br />

published by Pamphilus and Eusebius.<br />

<strong>The</strong> author <strong>of</strong> the Synopsis Scripturee Sacrse, or <strong>of</strong> an<br />

addition to it, callss the seventh and the last Greek version<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Old Testament Lucian's ; and says that this version<br />

was made from the Hebrew ; and was found in the time <strong>of</strong><br />

Constantine the Great at Nicomedia, privately hid in the<br />

hands <strong>of</strong> some Jews : which is in the main agreeable to<br />

what"^ is said in the Acts <strong>of</strong> Metaphrastes, before cen-<br />

" Hutic locum male intelligunt, qui putant in omnibus Christi ecclesiis i(a<br />

iisurpatas fuisse editiones Graecas LXX. interpretum, ut in Alexandrinorum et<br />

^gyptiorum conventibus publice populo christiano legerentur sacri codice«<br />

juxta emendationem Hesychii ; in ecclesiis autem Constantmopolitanis usque<br />

ad Antiochiam, juxta Luciani martyris recognitionem. Conlrarium docet<br />

Hieronymus multis in locisj ac primum in preetatione in quatuor evangelia ad<br />

Damasum expresse testatur, has editiones paucis acceptas esse : Praetermitto<br />

eos codices, &c. Vides igitur, lector, intra provincias jam dictas a paucis, qui<br />

etiam perverse contenderent, fuisse suscepta Hesychii et Luciani exetnplaria<br />

Scripturarum. Non idem sentiendum de codicibus elaboratis ab Origene.<br />

Ilia namque editio Celebris adeo fuit apud omnes, ut publice usurparetur in<br />

cunctis christianorum ecclesiis, &c. Martian. Annot. ad Praef. Hieron. in<br />

Paralip. T. i. p. 1023. ^ Et dubito quidem ego, utrum Lucianus<br />

et Hesychius editionem Origenianam unquam oculis usurparint, necne : quandoquidem<br />

earn a Pamphilo primum et Eusebio in lucem fuisse emissam verisimilius<br />

videtur. Hod. de Bibl. Text. Orig. 1. iv. c. iii. p. 628.<br />

* 'E/35o/xj> TTaXivKai TtXtvraia tpfitjvtia ij r« ayta AaKiava^K. X. Syn. S. S.<br />

Ap. Athan. T. ii. p. 203. " Vid. Hod. p. 626, 627.<br />

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