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454 Credibilitij <strong>of</strong> the Gospel History.<br />

pie. For he fomul himself obliged frequently to caution<br />

his own people and hearers against being** seduced ' by<br />

' their fastings, abstinence from certain meats, mean dress,<br />

' pale countenances,' and other marks <strong>of</strong> a sober and abstemious<br />

course <strong>of</strong> life. Which is agreeable to Augustine, who<br />

says, that ' by' an appearance <strong>of</strong> chastity and temperance<br />

' they ensnared many people.' Sixthly, pope Leo's abusive<br />

manner <strong>of</strong> speaking <strong>of</strong> the Manichees invalidates all his accusations<br />

against them. For he says, ' they"^ were the worst<br />

* <strong>of</strong> all heretics, Avho had nothing- in them that was tolerable :<br />

' whose law is a lie, whose religion is the devil, and whose<br />

' sacrifice is filthiness and the like.' Is any regard to be<br />

had to a man who talks at that rate ? He who should take his<br />

notion <strong>of</strong> the Manichoean worship from pope Leo, I believe,<br />

would suffer himself to be grossly imposed upon. It might<br />

be better to take it from Faustus, one <strong>of</strong> their own bishops,<br />

as cited in° Augustine, and also in this volume, at p. 386.<br />

I must now return to the note before cited at p. 23.<br />

' <strong>The</strong> great and chief mystery <strong>of</strong> their sect was the eucharist.<br />

* And it was in celebrating the eucharist that they com-<br />

* mitted the abominations Avith which the fathers have re-<br />

' proached them. We might indeed suspect the testimony<br />

* <strong>of</strong> the fathers, it being well known that in declaiming'<br />

' against heretics they are apt to exag'gerate, and did not<br />

' always scrupulously adhere to truth. But that the Mani-<br />

' chees abandoned themselves, in the celebration <strong>of</strong> their<br />

* eucharist, to the most impure and infamous practices, is<br />

' not only attested by them, but has been <strong>of</strong>ten proved by<br />

* unexceptionable witnesses, nay, and owned by themselves,<br />

' before the civil magistrates, in Italy, in Gaul, in Paphla-<br />

' gonia, and Africa.'<br />

'' Neminem fallant discrctionibus ciborura, sordibus vestium, vultuuraque<br />

palloribus. Non sunt casta jejunia, quae non de ratione veniunt continenfiae,<br />

sed de arte fallaciae. Serm. 33. c. v. p. 93.<br />

Non vos seducant deceptoriis artibus ficta et simnlata jejunia, quse non ad<br />

purificationem pr<strong>of</strong>iciunt animarum. Speciem quidem sibi pietatis et castitatis<br />

assumunt, sed hoc dolo actuum suorum obsccEna circumtegunt, &c. Serm. 23.<br />

c. 6. p. 76. ' Duae maxime sunt illecebrae Manichseorum, quibus<br />

decipiuntur incauti altera, cum vitae castae, et meniorabilis continentiae,<br />

imaginera praeferunt. De Mor. Cath. Ec. 1. 1. c. 1. T. 1.<br />

"" quibus plenissime docetur, nullam in hac secta pudicitiam, nullatn<br />

honestatem, nuilam penitus repeiiri castitatem : in qua lex est mendacium,<br />

diabolus reiigio, sacrificium turpitude. Serm. 15. c. 4. p. 64.<br />

Aliae haereses, dilectissimi, licet merito omnes in sua perversitate damnandae<br />

sint, habeiit tamen singulae in aliqua sui parte quod verum est, In<br />

Manichseorum autem scelestissimo dogmafe prorsus nihil est, quod ex ulla<br />

parte possit tolerabile judicari. Serm. 23. c. 5. p. 76. al. de Nativitate<br />

Domini, iv. " Contr. Faust. 1. 20. c. 3. T. 8.

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