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Lactantius. a. D. 306, 511<br />

f)rivatc jiul*^inent for every man in things <strong>of</strong> religion. And<br />

le openly calls upon all men to exert their intellectual<br />

powers in the search <strong>of</strong> truth, and to use their own reason<br />

about a matter <strong>of</strong> so great importance as religion, without<br />

relying upon the wisdom and understanding <strong>of</strong> other men,<br />

as if they had no reason <strong>of</strong> their own.<br />

Mr, Mosheim^ has quoted that passage <strong>of</strong> our author<br />

with approbation, and thereby, as well as on many other accounts,<br />

entitled himself to the respect and esteem <strong>of</strong> all<br />

lovers <strong>of</strong> liberty and good sense. This is very different from<br />

the sentiment <strong>of</strong> another celebrated modern, who" forbids<br />

men the use <strong>of</strong> their reason in things <strong>of</strong> religion, and requires<br />

them to acquiesce in the church, and take her<br />

interpretations <strong>of</strong> scripture as divine: and censures Eusebius<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ccesarca in particular, for explaining- scripture according<br />

to the best <strong>of</strong> his own judgment. Such is the precious liberty<br />

<strong>of</strong> a certain church ! such her goodness, to rob us <strong>of</strong> our<br />

understandings, or at least to deny us the use <strong>of</strong> them ! For<br />

if Eusebius, a bishop within three hundred years after our<br />

Lord's ascension, may not judge for himself, how vain must<br />

be all our pretensions to such a privilege! But why cannot<br />

we understand the scriptures as readily as the decisions <strong>of</strong><br />

the church ? And how came she to engross reason to herself,<br />

which, as Lactantius says, is given to every man for his<br />

direction and assistance, and is no more to be monopolized<br />

than the light <strong>of</strong> the sun? However, for certain, we have<br />

pequalifer datiir, occupari ab antecedentibus non potest. Illibabil.s eat, tanquam<br />

lux et claritas solis : quia, ut sol oculorum, sic sapientia lumen est cordis<br />

humani. Quaie, cum sapere, id est, veritatem quaerere, omnibus sit innatum,<br />

sapientiam sibi adimunt, qui sine ullo judicio inventa majorum probant, et ab<br />

aliis pccudum more ducuntur. Sed hoc eos faliit, quod majorum nomine<br />

posito, non putant fieri posse, aut ut ipsi plus sapiant, quia minores vocantur,<br />

aut illi desipuerint, quia majores nominantur. Inst. 1. ii. c. 7. init.<br />

' Abjicienda igitur triplex hsec servitus, mensque prorsus in libertatem<br />

vindicanda. Cesset hominura studium, quos, licet sanctos, eximiosque,<br />

homines tamcn fuisse recordemur erronbus obnoxios. Pulchre et prorsus ad<br />

hanc rem accommodate Lactantius Divinarum Institutionum, 1. ii. c. 7.<br />

Dedit omnibus Deus, &c. Jo. Laurent. Mosh. Institut. Hist. Christ. Majores in<br />

Pnepar. v. 20. p. 23. Helmstad. 1739.<br />

e Cum quis eo devenit, ut fidei dogmata ex sui judicii arbitrio dcfiniat,<br />

nihil mirum, si frequenter aberrct : omnia quippe sunt incerta, cum semel<br />

ecclcsiae statutis discessum est. Nam cum arcana Deitatis et religionis,<br />

ab<br />

ab<br />

humane sensu remotissima, Numen Tpsiim tradidcrit, nonnisi ejusdem numinis<br />

ope et afflatu ea possunt explicari ac recte percipi. Ac cum uni ecclesise<br />

earundem rerum arbitrium Deus permiserit, ipsi soli eadem explananti se<br />

adfuturum pollicitus esset. Nihil itaque insolens est, si Eusebius, qui plerumque<br />

scripturam et ecclcsia? dogmata ex sensu et opinione sua aestimare ausus est, in<br />

raultis lapsus sit. Montfauc. Praelim. in Euseb. Comm. in Psalm, cap. 7.<br />

p. 29.<br />

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