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Treatises joined with Cypuian's Works. A. D. 256. 69<br />

' And, therefore, says'" he, we shall be obliged to bring<br />

together the several paragraphs [literally, short chapters]<br />

<strong>of</strong> the sacred scriptures, relating to this purpose.' After-<br />

wards ;<br />

' Forasmuch" as it is irianifestly declared by our<br />

Lord in that sentence, (Matt. x. 33.) " Whosoever shall<br />

deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father<br />

M'hich is in heaven." But the phrases used in these places<br />

may denote no more than a text or passage, and do not certainly<br />

imply that the books themselves, whence they are<br />

taken, were divided into larger or smaller sections.<br />

14. We are now, according to our usual method, to observ^e<br />

a few forms <strong>of</strong> citation, and some tokens <strong>of</strong> respect for the<br />

scriptures.<br />

' Nor" shall I omit,' says the author, ' what the gospel<br />

deservedly relates ; for our Lord said to the man sick <strong>of</strong> the<br />

palsy. Matt. ix. 2 ; " Son, be <strong>of</strong> good cheer, thy sins be<br />

forgiven thee." ' Again; ' ThisP we find mentioned in the<br />

gospel.' In another place ;<br />

' Toi which things perhaps you<br />

will M'eakly answer, according- to custom, that the Lord hath<br />

said in the gospel, John iii. 5 ; " Except a man be born <strong>of</strong><br />

water, and <strong>of</strong> the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom <strong>of</strong><br />

God." ' To which he replies by an observation upon"^ the<br />

New Testament, as he expressly calls it. Farther; ' As'' the<br />

holy scripture declares, out <strong>of</strong> which we shall bring- plain<br />

pro<strong>of</strong>s <strong>of</strong> what we assert.' He means particularly the New<br />

Testament. ' <strong>The</strong>* holy scripture foretold, that they who<br />

should believe in Christ, should be baptized with the<br />

Spirit:' as John vii. 39; Matt. iii. 11 ; and in other places.<br />

' As" the scripture saith; " Out <strong>of</strong> his belly flowed rivers<br />

<strong>of</strong> the living water :" ' John vii. 38. He observes, that"^ the<br />

Jews received only the ancient scriptures. ' <strong>The</strong> scriptures<br />

<strong>of</strong> the New and Old Testament,' he " says, clearly declare<br />

"' Et ideo quaecumque sanctarum scripturarum ad hanc partem pertinentia<br />

sunt capimla, necessario in unum congeremus. p. 22. b.<br />

" Per hujusmodi clamulam quia manifestissime a Domino dictum est : Quicumque<br />

me negaverit coram hominibus, negabo eum et ego coram patre meo,<br />

qui est in ccelis. p. 28. a. ° Sed nee illud omiserim, quod evangelium<br />

merito praedicat. Ait enim paralytico Dominus noster, &c. p. 30. b.<br />

p Sicuti non solum Petmm hoc passum esse in evangelic deprehendimus.<br />

p. 25. a. 1 Ad quae fortasse tu continue impatienter respondeas,<br />

ut soles, dixisse in evangelio Dominum : &c. p. 23. a.<br />

Sed in eodem Novo Testamento. p. 23. a. ' Sicut declarant<br />

nobis sanctae scripturae, quarum per singula quaeque eorum quae enarrabimus,<br />

adferemus perspicuas probationes. p. 23. a. * Quoniam eos, qui in<br />

Christum credituriessent, scriptura sancta praedixit oportere in spiritu baptizari.<br />

p. 23. b. " Sicuti scriptura dicit : Flumina de ventre ejuscurrebant<br />

aquae vivae. p. 29. a. " Sicuti nee super Judaeos, qui veteres tantum<br />

scripturas recipiunt. p. 27. b. * Quanquam scripturae novi et<br />


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