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396 Credibility <strong>of</strong> the Gospel History.<br />

<strong>of</strong> by the apostle, Rom. viii. 2, calling- it " the law <strong>of</strong> the<br />

spirit <strong>of</strong> life." And" there are other prophets, beside those<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Jews: and thaf our Saviour does not here speak <strong>of</strong><br />

their law, appears from the things he discourseth <strong>of</strong>; which<br />

are not the peculiar ordinances <strong>of</strong> the Mosaic law, but those<br />

precepts which are <strong>of</strong> eternal obligation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> catholics put them in mind likewise <strong>of</strong> John v. 4()<br />

*' Had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for<br />

he wrote <strong>of</strong> me."<br />

To which Faustus makes divers answers: as^ that, upon<br />

searching the Mritings <strong>of</strong> JMoses, he coidd not find any prophecies<br />

concerning Christ. <strong>The</strong>refore our Lord never spoke<br />

in this manner, for all his words are true. And he himself<br />

elsewhere declares, "All who were before him were thieves<br />

and robbers," particularly striking at Moses. Moreover,<br />

upon divers occasions, when he might have referred the Jews<br />

to Moses and the prophets, he only directs them to consider<br />

his miracles, and the testimony given to him from heaven<br />

by God the Father.<br />

For all which reasons he pretends he may conclude that<br />

this paragraph is not genuine, but has been inserted by the<br />

corrupters <strong>of</strong> scripture, ^^ho have here said what is not true.<br />

This may suffice for showing* the opinion and the arguments<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Manichees concerning the Old Testament.<br />

III. I shall only add a word or two for showing what they<br />

thought <strong>of</strong> John the Baptist.<br />

Didymus <strong>of</strong> Alexandria intimates that" they did not admit<br />

his authority, reckoning him one <strong>of</strong> the Old Testament. And<br />

Photius says <strong>of</strong> Agapius, the Manichee, that^ he reviled<br />

not only Moses and the prophets, but the forerunner like-<br />

M'ise. But, in the Acts <strong>of</strong> Archelaus, Mani is said^ to have<br />

" Item Prophetee, alii sunt Judaeorum, alii Gentium, alii veritatis. lb. c. 2-<br />

" Lege ergo tripartita, et Iripartitis Prophetis, de quonam eorum Jesus<br />

dixerit, non satis liquet. Est tamen conjicere ex consequentibus, &c. ib. c. 3.<br />

" Quare Moysen non accipitis, cum Christus dicat : Moyses de me scripsit<br />

et si crederetis Moysi, crederetis mihi— ? Nam ego quidem scripturas ejus<br />

perscnitatus,—nuUas ibidem de Christo prophetias inveni.—Unde in ingenti<br />

positus aDstu, ratione cogebar in allerum e duobus ; ut aut falsum pronuntiarem<br />

capitulum hoc, aut mendacem Jesum. Sed id quidem alienum pietatis erat,<br />

Deum existimare mentitum. Rectius ergo visum est, scriptoribus adscribere<br />

falsitatem, quam veritatis auctori mendacium, &c, id. I. 16". c. i. ii.<br />

" Oir yap Cf)(pvTai tqv ftcnmriiv, lujavvriv, TVyxnvoi'Ta ti'ti rrjc Tra^iuag<br />

ypa(pT]c- Didym. contr. Manich. p. 214.<br />

^ T?;v ce TTaXaiav y()a(pr]v Koyfiudei, Mwata Kai avrov, Kai r«c 7rpO(pr]Tac, Kai<br />

TOP irpocn<strong>of</strong>iov. Phot. cod. 179. p. 404.<br />

* Aiebat autem, Joannem regnum coelorum prccdicare ; nam et per abscis-<br />

sionem capitis ejus hoc esse indicatum, quod, omnibus prioribus et superioribus<br />

ejus abscissis, posteriora sola servanda sint. Arch. cap. 40. p. 70. Vid. ib. c.<br />

13. p. 2.5, 26.<br />

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