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Cyprian <strong>of</strong> Carthage. A. D. 248. 13<br />

• to the gods, and a seducer <strong>of</strong> the people ; and then read<br />

' his sentence out <strong>of</strong> a tablet : " It is decreed, that Thascius<br />

' Cyprian be beheaded." CJyprian the bishop said, " God<br />

' be thanked." ' This is the account given in the Acts <strong>of</strong> St.<br />

Cyprian's passion ; and^ Pontius writes to the like purpose.<br />

Cyprian'' aa as then led away to the field <strong>of</strong> Sexti, a' large<br />

level spot <strong>of</strong> ground, encompassed with trees, the boughs <strong>of</strong><br />

which M ere then loaded with spectators ; and, in the presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> a great number <strong>of</strong> people, Cyprian was there beheaded,<br />

according to the sentence pronounced upon him.<br />

Lactantius, who himself^ greatly conmiends the style <strong>of</strong><br />

St. Cyprian's <strong>works</strong>, says they were despised by the learned<br />

heatliens that had looked into them : and informs us, that' he<br />

had heard a person, a man <strong>of</strong> considerable eloquence, altering*<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the letters <strong>of</strong> his name, call him Coprian ; thereby<br />

intimating, that when he was a man <strong>of</strong> good parts, and quali-<br />

fied for great things, he had followed silly fables. But it<br />

seems to me reasonable to suppose, that Cyprian, who was<br />

a man <strong>of</strong> bright natural parts, and no inconsiderable acquired<br />

abilities, had well informed himself, and had received some<br />

good evidence, <strong>of</strong> those principles, for the sake <strong>of</strong> which he<br />

abandoned a reputable and pr<strong>of</strong>itable employment, if not an<br />

honourable and plentiful station, without any worldly prospects<br />

whatever ; and in the service <strong>of</strong> which he spent ten<br />

years, during his episcopate, in great labour and much opposition<br />

; and at length cheerfully resigned his life, as a confirmation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the truth <strong>of</strong> them, and as an example <strong>of</strong> constancy,<br />

by which his people, persons whom he tenderly<br />

loved, might be induced to suffer any thing rather than deny<br />

them. <strong>The</strong> whole tenor <strong>of</strong> Cyprian's life, after his conver-<br />

sion, was peaceable, charitable, and beneficial to men <strong>of</strong> all<br />

characters in distress ; the manner <strong>of</strong> his death, undaunted,<br />

willing", and ready, without seeking it, are a very valuable<br />

P Pont. p. 9. f, 10. init. i Et die idem Cyprianus in agrum Sexti<br />

productus est. Act. Pass. p. 13. Ipse autem locus aequalis est ubi<br />

pati contigit, ut arboribus ex omni parte densatis sublime spectaculum prasbeat.<br />

Sed per enormitatem spatii longioris visu denegato per confusam nimis turbam,<br />

personae faventes in ramos arborum repserant. Pont. p. 10. * Unus<br />

igitur prsecipuus, et clarus extitit Cyprianus, quoniam et magnam sibi gloriam<br />

ex artis oratoriae pr<strong>of</strong>essione qusesierat Erat enim ingenio facili, copioso,<br />

suavi, et (quae sermonis maxima est virtus) aperto ; ut discemere nequeas,<br />

utrumne ornatior in eloquendo, an facilior in explicando, an potentior in persuadendo<br />

fuerit. Lact. Divin. Inst. lib. v. cap. 1. sub. fin.<br />

* Hie tamen placere ultra verba, sacramentum ignorantibus non potest<br />

Denique a doctis hujus seculi, quibus forte ejus scripta innotuerunt, derideri<br />

solet. Audivi ego quemdam hominera sane disertum, qui eum immutata una<br />

litera Coprianum voceret ; quasi quod elegans ingenium, et melioribus rebus<br />

aptum, ad aniles fabulas contulisset. ib.

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