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486 Credibility <strong>of</strong> the Gospel History<br />

is said by Jeroiii <strong>of</strong> our author's poverty, does not relate to<br />

the time when he had Crispus under his care.<br />

We are not acquainted with the circumstances <strong>of</strong> this<br />

Avriter's family. <strong>The</strong> Epitome is inscribed to his brother'^<br />

Pentadius: but in what sense Pentadius was his brother,<br />

does not clearly "appear. Nor do we know any thing- more<br />

<strong>of</strong> the life <strong>of</strong> Lactantius, tlian the particulars already mentioned;<br />

his education under Arnobius, his teaching- rhetoric<br />

at Nicomedia, (where he certainly was at the beginning- <strong>of</strong><br />

the persecution under Dioclesian : where likewise, or in its<br />

neighbourhood, he'' seems to have stayed some while after<br />

that persecution was begun,) his writing- the books above<br />

mentioned, his instructing- Crispus in the Latin tongue in<br />

Gaul, his being- generally poor, and living- to a great age,<br />

and' that he never pleaded as an advocate at the bar. But<br />

we are not informed, how he passed through that long- and<br />

dreadful persecution. Nor can the time <strong>of</strong> his leaving-<br />

Nicomedia, or <strong>of</strong> his coming- into Gaul, or <strong>of</strong> his death, be<br />

exactly determined at present. If indeed the book <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Deaths <strong>of</strong> Persecutors be his,it may be thought, as'^ is argued<br />

by Baluze, that Lactantius became acquainted with Constantine,<br />

and left Nicomedia about the year 314, and soon<br />

after came into Gaul by order <strong>of</strong> that emperor.<br />

It has been supposed by some, that Lactantius was at first<br />

a heathen. Gallceus*^ speaks <strong>of</strong> this as a point not to be<br />

disputed : Tillemont* in a manner takes it for granted : and<br />

it was the opinion likewise <strong>of</strong>» Du Pin, that Lactantius was<br />

converted in his youth. ButCellarius'' was in suspense about<br />

it. Du Pin refers to two passages' <strong>of</strong> our author's <strong>works</strong><br />

paupertatem aliis baud dubie temporibus passus est, qiiam cum Crispiim, Con-<br />

btantini M. filhini, discipulum habuit. Nourr. ib. p. 382. B.<br />

^ tamen horum tibi epitomen fieri, Pentadi frater, desideras. Lact.<br />

Ep. cap. 1.<br />

^ Vid. ib. Pfaff. Annot.<br />

^ Vidi ergo in Bilhynia prKsidein gaudio mirabiliter elatiim,— quod unus,<br />

qui ]X'T bieniiii m magna virtute restiterat, postremo cedere visus esset. 1. v.<br />

c. 11. p. 491.<br />

•^ Equidem tametsi operam dederim, ut quantulamcumque dicendi assequerer<br />

facultatem propter studium docendi ; tamen eloquens nunquam fui, quippe<br />

qui forum ne attigerim quidem. Inst. 1. iii. c. 13. p. 275.<br />

'' Vid. Baluz. Annot. ad libr. deM. P. p. 5. edit. Ultraj.<br />

= Gall, de Vit. Lact.<br />

8 Du Pin, as before, p. 205.<br />

f Tillem. as before, p. 34.<br />

^ Primum ingcnii monimentum, Symposium, in Africa adolescens edidit<br />

utrum tum christianus, non omnino certum est. Cellar. Excerpt, de Vit. Lact.<br />

' Superest, ut exhortemur omnes,—ut, contemtis terrestnbus et abjectis<br />

erroribus, quibus antea tenebamur—ad coelestis thesauri praemia dirigamur<br />

Div. Inst. 1. vii. cap. ult. p. 730. In hoc statu cum essent humanae res,<br />

misertus est nostri Deus— revelavit se nobis,— ut errore prioris vita abjecto,<br />

legem divinam, tradente ipso Domino, sumercmus ; qua lege universi, quibus<br />

.<br />

—<br />


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