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Cyprian <strong>of</strong> Cauthage. A. D. 248. 11<br />

which is inscribed to nine bishops by name, and beside them<br />

to others, presbyters, deacons, and the rest <strong>of</strong> the brethren<br />

in the mines, martyrs <strong>of</strong> God the Father Ahnighty, and Jesus<br />

Christ our Lord. And those confessors, who were not all<br />

in one and the same place, but in mines at some distance<br />

from each other, answer him again in three several letters,<br />

Avhich are still extant in St. Cyprian's Morks.<br />

Whilst' Cyprian continued at Curubis, Galerius Maximus<br />

succeeded Pateriuis as proconsid <strong>of</strong> Africa. lie recalled<br />

Cyprian ti-om his banishment, who then Ment to his gardens,<br />

or country house, near Carthage, by the orders, as it seems,<br />

<strong>of</strong> the proconsul. Those gardens had been sold by Cyprian,<br />

and the price <strong>of</strong> them given for the benefit <strong>of</strong> the poor, as<br />

was formerly observed ; but,' by some favourable providence,<br />

they were ag'ain returned to the possession <strong>of</strong> our<br />

bishop.<br />

Soon after his arrival there, Cyprian understood that there<br />

were orders given for bringing him before the proconsul,<br />

who was then at Utica, a city <strong>of</strong> Africa, about forty miles<br />

distant from Carthage ; but, being desirous rather to die in<br />

the presence <strong>of</strong> his own people, he thought fit to go from<br />

his country seat, and concea* himself for a while. Of this<br />

he gives an accounts in his last letter to his clergy and people.<br />

<strong>The</strong> proconsul being come from Utica to Carthage,<br />

Cyprian returned to his gardens, where many persons <strong>of</strong> the<br />

best rank in the city came to him, entreating liim to retire,<br />

and <strong>of</strong>fering' him likewise a safe place <strong>of</strong> retreat : but he<br />

would by no means comply w^ith<br />

written^ by his deacon Pontius.<br />

those proposals. This is<br />

' On the 13th <strong>of</strong> September 258, an <strong>of</strong>ficer, with soldiers,<br />

* Cumque diu ibidem moraretur, successit Aspasio Paterno proconsuli Gale-<br />

rius Maximus, proconsul, qui sanctum Cyprianum episcopum ab exilio revocatum<br />

sibi jussit prajsentari. Cumque Cyprianus sanctus martyr electus a Deo,<br />

de civitate Curubitana, in qua exilio praecepto Aspasii Paterni tunc proconsulis<br />

datus fuerat, regressus esset, ex i^acro praescripto in hortis suis manebat. Act.<br />

pass. p. 12.<br />

f Ad horto-, inquam, quos inter iiiitia fidei suae ven-<br />

ditos, et Dei indulgentia restitutes, pro certo iterum in usus pauperiim vendidissct,<br />

nisi invidiam de persecutione vitaret. Pont. p. 8. fin. s Cum<br />

perlatum ad nos fuisset, fmtres carissimi, frumeatarios esse missos, qui me Uticam<br />

perducerent, et consilio carissimorum persuasum esset, ut de hortis nostris in-<br />

terim secederemus, justa interveniente causa, consensi ; eo quod episcopum in<br />

ea civitate, in qua ecclesiae dominicae praeest, illic Dominum confiteri, et plebem<br />

universam praepositi praesentis confessione clarificari. Cypr. Ep. 81. [al. 83.]<br />

init. p. 238. '' Conveniebant interim plures egregii et clarissimi<br />

ordin is et sanguinis, sed et seculi nobilitate generosi: qui propter amicitiam<br />

ejus antiquam, secessum subinde suaderent: et, ne parum esset nuda suadela,<br />

etiam loca in quae secederet <strong>of</strong>ferebant. llle vero jam mundum suspensa ia<br />

caelum mente neglexerat, nee suadelis blandientibus annuebat. Pont. p. 8.<br />

' Cum ecce Proconsulis jussu ad hortos ejus—cum militibus suis princeps

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