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NovATus. A. D. 251. 89<br />

say" Pacian, aiul'^ Socrates, and the' author<strong>of</strong> the Questions<br />

out <strong>of</strong> the Old and New Testament, and'' St. Ambrose, that<br />

the Novatians did not allow the church a right to pardon<br />

mortal sins, or greater sins, committed after baptism. And<br />

St. Ambrose will have it that' Novatus was more rigid than<br />

his followers, refusing pardon to sins, small as well as great.<br />

<strong>The</strong>odoret therefore says, that among the Novatians repentance<br />

is not to be mentioned: and Cyprian in" very strong<br />

terms calls Novatus not only a deserter <strong>of</strong> the church, but an<br />

enemy <strong>of</strong>mercy, a murderer <strong>of</strong> repentance, a teacher <strong>of</strong> pride,<br />

a corrupter <strong>of</strong> truth, and a destroyer <strong>of</strong> charity.<br />

This then was the heresy <strong>of</strong> Novatus ; the principle by<br />

which he and his people were distinguished from other<br />

christians : for Avhich they arrogated to themselves, (as"<br />

"^ Eusebius, andP Augustine, and'* Ambrose, and other writers<br />

intimate,) or received from their adversaries, by way <strong>of</strong> derision,<br />

the denomination <strong>of</strong> pure, or puritans.<br />

Nor does it appear that Novatus went into any other error<br />

<strong>of</strong> moment; for Cyprian is not unwilling to allow that^ he<br />

agreed with catholic christians upon the doctrine <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Trinity. Sozomen, the ecclesiastical historian, says this* Avas<br />

the only innovation made by the founder <strong>of</strong> the Novatian<br />

sect, not to receive penitents to communion : and he adds,<br />

that** they celebrated Easter at the same time with the Ro-<br />

8 Tractatiis omiiis Novatianorum, quem ad me confertis undique propositionibus<br />

destinasti, Symproniane frater, hoc continet: quod post Laptisinum<br />

poenitere non liceat : quod mortale peccatum ecclesia donare non possit ; inio<br />

quod ipsa pereat recipiendo peccantes. Pacian. Ep. 3. init.<br />

*" Ev KaicFapiK} ttjq KaTnraSoKiag thq [lera to ^aTTTiafia r'ifiapTrjKOTaQ i%-<br />

(uQsai rrjQ Koivcoviag, wg oi 'Navanavot. Socrat. L. v. c. 22. p. 288. B.<br />

' Novatianus, majora, inquit, crimina nominatim remitti prohibentur, id<br />

estj-idololatria et fornicatio post lavacrum. Qu. cii. August. T. iii.<br />

^ Sed aiunt se, exceptis gravioribus criminibus, relaxare veniam levioiibus.<br />

Non hoc quidem auctor vestri erroris Novatianus, qui nemini pcenitentiam dandam<br />

putavit. Ambr. de Pcenit. 1. iii. c. 3. p. 393. B.<br />

' Ita nee Novatianus probatur, qui veniam interchisit omnibus. Ambros.<br />

ib. vid. et not. ''. " Kai TraJTtXwg tov Tt]Q [liTavoiag tujv oikuwv<br />

ffv\\oytii)v i^opi^Hffi \oyov. <strong>The</strong>od. H. F. 1. iii. cap. 5.<br />

" —deserter ecclesiae, misericordiae hostis, interfector poenitentias, doctor<br />

juperbiae, veritatis corruptor, perditor caritatis. Cypr. ad Com. Ep. 60. [al.<br />

57.] p. 142. " Ka0ap«e tavrng a7ro(pr]vavTwv. 1. vi. cap. 43. init.<br />

P Cathari, qui seipsos isto nomine quasi propter munditiara superbissime<br />

atque odiosissime nominant. Augustine. Haer. 38.<br />

'* Ut sunt doctores Novatianorum, qui mundos se appellant. Ambr. ib. 1.<br />

1. cap. 1. p. 390. Eulog. ap. Phot. Cod. 280. p. 1620. v. 50.<br />

' Quod vero eumdem quem et nos Deiuii Patrem, eumdem Filium, eumdem<br />

Spiritum Sanctum, nosse dicuntur, nee hoc adjuvare tales potest. Ep. 69. [al.<br />

76.] p. 183. ' tiavarog fitvyaft, 6g «pxJjyoc EytvtTo rrjg wptatwg,<br />

rag fterctfieXufityHg £7ri Toig aj.iapTi]fia(nv ug Koivioviav 8 TrpotruTo, koi TetTO<br />

[tovov sKctiyoTOfiei. Sozom. 1. vi. cap. 24. p. 670. A. " Ibid.

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