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Lactantius, a. D. 306. 505<br />

and excellent in itself" as virtue ; but yet, if there is no other<br />

life, there is nothing- more foolish and insignificant. God<br />

therefore, for certain, has appointed for it a great reward in<br />

another state.<br />

(7.) He argues likewise, and, as seems to me, excellently,<br />

that^ virtue is in its own nature perpetual, and always pro-<br />

gressive. It is not reasonable therefore to suppose, that<br />

this principle, once begun and formed in the mind <strong>of</strong> man,<br />

should be cut oil", and be for ever destroyed by providence.<br />

(8.) He argues strongly, that>' there can be no religion, if<br />

God does not reward and punish men according to their<br />

actions.<br />

(9.) Truly, he'' says, an excellent being ought to be<br />

honoured : but to Avhat purpose, if he takes no notice <strong>of</strong> it.<br />

(10.) He more than once argues to this purpose. Take-^<br />

away the hope <strong>of</strong> eternal happiness ; and the pursuit <strong>of</strong> truth,<br />

and zeal for religion and virtue, are without support and<br />

encouragement.<br />

(11.) It is, he thinks, agreeable'' to the divine beneficence,<br />

and other perfections, to reward virtue.<br />

(12.) Again : <strong>The</strong>*^ sum, says he, <strong>of</strong> all we have said, is<br />

etmercedem Deo judice accipiet, et vivet, et semper vigebit. Quae si tollas,<br />

nihil potest in vita hominum tarn inutile, tam stultuni videri esse, quam virtus<br />

cujus naturalis bonitas et honestas docere nos potest, animam non esse mortalem,<br />

divinumque illi aDeo praemium constitutum. 1. v. c. 18. p. 515.<br />

" Virtus autem sine ulla intermissione perpetua est, nee discedere ab ca<br />

potest, qui earn semel cepit.—Ipsa ergo virtutis perpetuitas indicat, humanum<br />

animum, si virtutem ceperit, permanere.—Ergo praemium virtuti post mortem.<br />

1. vii. c. 10. Justitia vero et beneficentia tam immortales, quam mens et<br />

anima, quae bonis operibus similitudinem Dei assequitur, &c. De Ira Dei,<br />

cap. ult. sub fin.<br />

y In eo enim summa omnis et cardo religionis pietatisque versatur. Neque<br />

honor uUus deberi potest Deo, si nihil praestat colenti ; nee ullus metus, si<br />

non irascitur non colenti. De Ira Dei, c. 6. Sive igitur gratiam Deo, sive<br />

irain, sive utrumque detraxeris, religionem tolli necesse est, &c. ib. c. 8. p. 780.<br />

' Si enim Deus nihil cuiquam boni tribuit ; si colentis obsequio nullam<br />

gratiam refert ; quid tam vanum, tam stultum, quam templa aedificare ?—At<br />

enim naturam exccUentem honorari oportet. Quis honos deberi potest nihil<br />

curanti et ingrato ? De Ir. Dei, c. 8. Vid. et cap. 5. et not. ',<br />

^ Nam quid prodest, aut falsis religionibus liberari, aut intelligere veram ?<br />

quid, aut vanitatem falsae sapientiae pervidere, aut quae sit vera cognoscere ?<br />

quid, inquam, prodest coelestem illam justitiam defendere ? quid, cum magnis<br />

dfficultatibus cultum Dei tcnere, quae est summa virtus, nisi eum divinum<br />

praemium beatitudinis perpctuae subsequatur ? 1. vii. c. 1. in.<br />

^ Item plurimi, quibus persuasum est Deo placere justitiam,—eum vene-<br />

rantur Ergo est, propter quod Deus et debeat gratificari. Nam si nihil<br />

est tam conveniens Deo, quam beneficentia, nihil autem tam alienum, quam<br />

ut sit ingratus, necesse est, ut <strong>of</strong>ficiis optimorum sancteque viventium praestet<br />

aliquid, et vicem reddat, ne subcat ingrati culpam, quae est etiam homini criminosa.<br />

De Ira Dei, c. 16. p. 805.<br />

*^ Nunc totam orationem brevi circumscriptione signemus. Idcirco mundus<br />


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