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<strong>The</strong> Manichecs. Sect. VI. 403<br />

Augustine speaks <strong>of</strong> it as an undoubted and well known<br />

tliinfj-, that the'" Manichees read, admired, and commended<br />

St. Paul's epistles.<br />

In another place he speaks" <strong>of</strong> their having", reading-,<br />

and commending, or commenting- upon, the epistles <strong>of</strong> the<br />

apostles.<br />

He also speaks" <strong>of</strong> their receiving the g-ospel, and the<br />

canonical epistles: meaning by this last expression, as I<br />

apprehend, the epistles conunonly received by other cfiris-<br />

tians as a part <strong>of</strong> their canon ; not those sometimes called<br />

catholic, as'' Reausobre thought. <strong>The</strong> first sense is agreeable<br />

to Augustine's use <strong>of</strong> the word in other'' places.<br />

I suppose there is no doubt but they received thirteen<br />

epistles <strong>of</strong> the apostle Paul.<br />

Photius, speaking <strong>of</strong> Agapius, in the"^ passage above cited,<br />

says, he quotes passages <strong>of</strong> the divine gospel, and <strong>of</strong> the<br />

epistles <strong>of</strong> the divine Paul.<br />

Faustus* readily says, ' he receives the apostle ;' thereby<br />

meaning- Paul, or the epistles <strong>of</strong> that apostle. And in his<br />

yet remaining work he quotes expressly, and by name, many<br />

<strong>of</strong> them: as well as frequently without naming them: as'<br />

the epistle to the Romans, the" first and' second to the<br />

Corinthians, to''' the Galatians, to'' the Ephesians, toy the<br />

Coiossians, to^ Titus.<br />

5. Let us now consider whether the Manichees received<br />

the epistle to the Hebrews. <strong>The</strong>re is some reason to think<br />

they did: for there are references to it in* the Acts <strong>of</strong><br />

Archelaus. Serapion in his book^ Against the Manichees,<br />

"" Certe et ipsi Manichaei legunt apostolum Paulum, et laudant et honorant •,<br />

et ejus epistolas male interpretando multos decipiunt. De Gen. contr. Manich.<br />

1. i. c. 2. n. 3. " Et tamen epistolis apostolorum, quibiis haec omnia<br />

constantur, tenetis, legitis, prsedicatis. Contr. Faust. 1. 12. c. 24.<br />

° ut quidquid est in evangelic vel epistolis canonicis, quo adjuvari<br />

haeresim suam putent, id esse a Christo et apostolis dictum teneant atque suadeant.<br />

Contr. Faust. 1. 22. c. 15. p T. i. p. 292.<br />

•i Qui etiam in scripturis canonicis Testamenti Novi, hoc est in veris evan-<br />

gelicis et apostolicis Uteris, non accipiunt omnia,— ad Ceret. Ep. 237. [al.<br />

253.] et passim.<br />

> See p. 398. note °.<br />

' Apostolum accipis ? Et maxime. Faust. 1. xi. c. i.<br />

' Aut si vobis secundum quod ad Romanes scribit, credere cordi est. 1. xi.<br />

c. 1. " ' Quapropter idem rursum' apostolus ad Corinthios dicit.<br />

—1. 24. c. 1. fin. " Scnbensque ad Corinthios. 1. xi. c. 1. et passim.<br />

* Quippe Paulus inde Galatas arguit. 1. 8. c. i. Et ad Galatas de semet-<br />

ipso. 1. 24. c. 1. " Dicit ad Ephesios. Id. 1. 24. c. 1.<br />

y Necnon et ad ipsos Colossenses idipsum denuo dicit. ibid.<br />

^ De Gentium [lege] vero si quis ambigit, audiat Paulum qui, scribens ad<br />

Titum de Cretensibus, dicit. Id. 1. 19. c. 2.<br />

» Arch. c. 5. p. 7. c. 43. p. 77.<br />

•* Scrap, p. 46. m. and see before, p. 271.<br />

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