icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings


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The concepts are illustrated in Figure 2. Technically. given a<br />

corpus of opinions O = {o1, o2, … ,om}, and a universe of possible<br />

terms K ={k1, k2, …, kn}, we consider a topic ti of an opinion oj to<br />

be a nonempty subset of the terms ki1, …, kip contained in K<br />

satisfying a set of criteria for topic quality. In this sense, a topic<br />

can be characterized as a set of cohesive terms associated with<br />

opinions that share a common theme.<br />

Fig. 2. DECIDE 2.0 Concepts<br />

A contextualized search system starts with a piece of text d<br />

reflecting a general context or topic of interest td and identifies a<br />

set N = {t1, t2, …, tq} of new topics related to topic td. The<br />

performance of the main component of the system - a<br />

contextualized topic suggester, can be judged according to various<br />

criteria [10]:<br />

o Global coherence: The new suggested topics (topics in N)<br />

must be relevant to the general topic of interest td.<br />

o Local coherence: Each suggested topic must be of high<br />

quality according to the criteria of the domain. Such criteria<br />

might include: 1) measures of coherence - each topic<br />

description is constituted of tightly related terms and opinions,<br />

2) descriptiveness - the terms used to identify the topics are<br />

good descriptors, 3) discriminative power - the terms help<br />

differentiate among other suggested topics , 4) conciseness -<br />

the topic is summarized in few terms; etc.<br />

o Coverage: The set of new suggested topics (N) must contain<br />

most of the topics considered to be relevant.<br />

o Novelty: The set of new topics (N) must go beyond the<br />

information captured in the initial topic td.<br />

o Diversity: topics in N must be sufficiently diverse from each<br />

other.<br />

Using context-based search, given a set O of opinions provided by<br />

citizens via Twitter and a set of possible terms K on a topic of<br />

community discussion td, we can identify new topics associated<br />

with those opinions. Clearly, users might confront opinions,<br />

including positive or negative remarks within their tweets.<br />

Sentiment analysis techniques [11][12] allow to determine the<br />

attitude of a speaker (citizen) or a writer with respect to some<br />

topic or the overall contextual polarity of a document (e.g.<br />

positive, negative, neutral). As a final result, we will be able to<br />

identify different logical predicates associated with a user’s<br />

opinion, the topics involved, and the attitude of the speaker.<br />

As an example, consider the following piece of text d (extracted<br />

from http://www.conservapedia.com):<br />

ObamaCare, more formally known as "The Patient Protection and<br />

Affordable Care Act," was passed by Congress on March 21,<br />

2010, and signed into federal law by President Barack Obama on<br />

March 23. This law began the process to socialize the United<br />

States health care system. The centerpiece of ObamaCare is the<br />

individual mandate, a provision that makes it mandatory for every<br />

citizen to purchase private health insurance, which is<br />

unprecedented in American history.<br />

168<br />

By applying techniques described in [13] it is possible to identify<br />

a set of good topic descriptors and topic discriminators (e.g.<br />

preventive health care , obamacare, etc.) as well as a list of<br />

representative hashtags associated with this topic, such as #hcr<br />

and #obamacare. A context-based search system might then<br />

identify the following set of opinions, among others:<br />

o1: Thanks for the new health law, pregnant women can receive<br />

many free preventive health services and screenings. (tweeted by<br />

user U1)<br />

o2: Health care reform does not make health care more<br />

affordable it makes people buy something they can’t afford.<br />

(tweeted by user U2)<br />

From the opinions above, logical predicates can be extracted,<br />

structuring previous information in logic programming fashion:<br />

opinion(o1, “Thanks for…”)<br />

opinion(o2, “Thanks for…”)<br />

topic(t1, preventive health care)<br />

useropinion(u1,o1, t1, positive)<br />

useropinion(u2,o2, t1,negative)<br />

Such set of logical predicates derived from citizens’ opinions on a<br />

particular context will provide a Citizens’ Opinion Knowledgebase<br />

(see Figure 1), on top of which an argumentative analysis<br />

will be carried out.<br />

3.2. Argumentation using DeLP<br />

Over the last few years, argumentation systems have been gaining<br />

increasing importance in several areas of Artificial Intelligence,<br />

mainly as a vehicle for facilitating rationally justifiable decision<br />

making when handling incomplete and potentially inconsistent<br />

information [7]. Argumentation provides a sound model for<br />

dialectical reasoning, which underlies discussions or opinion<br />

confrontation in social networks.<br />

Rule-Based Argumentation Systems, such as Defeasible Logic<br />

Programming (DeLP) [14] are increasingly being considered for<br />

applications in developing software engineering tools, constituting<br />

an important component of multi-agent systems for negotiation,<br />

problem solving, and for the fusion of data and knowledge. Such<br />

systems implement a dialectical reasoning process by determining<br />

whether a proposition follows from certain assumptions,<br />

analyzing whether some of those assumptions can be disproved by<br />

other assumptions in our premises. In this way, an argumentation<br />

system provides valuable help to analyze which assumptions from<br />

our knowledge base are really giving rise to inconsistency and<br />

which assumptions are harmless.<br />

In DeLP we refer to a knowledgebase as a pair of sets (KS, KD),<br />

distinguishing strict and defeasible knowledge. Strict knowledge<br />

(KS) corresponds to the knowledge which is certain; typical<br />

elements in KS are statements or undisputable facts about the<br />

world (e.g. adopting the representation used in logic<br />

programming, implications of the form Q(x)←P(x)). The strict<br />

knowledge is consistent, i.e. no contradictory conclusions can be<br />

derived from it. Defeasible knowledge (KD) corresponds to that<br />

knowledge which is tentative, modelled through “rules with<br />

exceptions” (defeasible rules) of the form “if P then usually Q”<br />

(e.g., “if somebody is a citizen, it usually votes”). Such rules<br />

model our incomplete knowledge about the world, as they can<br />

have exceptions (e.g., a citizen may be travelling abroad without<br />

access to a voting place, or may not be willing to vote).<br />

Syntactically, a special symbol (⇐) is used to distinguish<br />

“defeasible” rules from logical implications.

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