icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings


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Figure 7. Public Administration 2.0 workplace communications model<br />

Based on the technologies, tools and web 2.0 investigated in<br />

O*NET, an empirical survey was conducted at “Information<br />

services and technologies” Directorate at Sofia Municipality. The<br />

survey showed that the employees apply in their daily<br />

communications most of the analyzed technologies and tools. But<br />

it is identified a little gap in the knowledge of web 2.0<br />

applications. The employees agree that the efficient<br />

communications are a key gateway to success in their work. One<br />

of the most important conclusions is that there exists a potential<br />

for improving communications and that the staff is willing to learn<br />

in order to acquire new knowledge, new skills and develop<br />

competencies in the field of technologies, tools and web 2.0<br />

related to his/her occupation. The survey results do not tend to be<br />

a representative for all public administration offices. The results<br />

are related only to a particular administrative office, “Information<br />

services and technologies” Directorate at Sofia Municipality,<br />

where it was held, but they are a good base for more complex<br />

study at a district or a national level.<br />


Thanks to Research laboratory "Technologies and standards for elearning"<br />

TU-Sofia for support in this research. Thanks to Sofia<br />

Municipality, “Information services and technologies” directorate<br />

for support in the research implementation and respond to the<br />

request to participate in this study.<br />


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