icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings


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A strategy of evolution of the market of electronic spending from<br />

a simple transactional model to an integrated model to other<br />

systems with functionalities and services with additional value.<br />

In the following, the pending challenges on the municipal level<br />

are presented with a final goal to take advantage of all the benefits<br />

that a reform on the system of spending would have:<br />

To fulfill the promised payments with the vendors. This was a<br />

recurring problem in our survey and in the registered complaints<br />

in ChileCompra.<br />

To increase the uptime in the public marketplace platform, which<br />

are mentioned in a recurring manner in both surveys.<br />

To reduce the cycle time of the procurement process through<br />

specific features in the electronic platform of Chilecompra. It is<br />

observed that the offers through ChileCompra have doubled from<br />

3 to 6 (on average) by the process of procurement. This has<br />

produced an increase in the time of award, that in the survey was<br />

reflected in that 67% of those surveyed declared longer delay than<br />

before and in the cause of the poorest municipalities the<br />

perception of increased delay reached almost 80%. This, as a<br />

consequence, produces that this process does not form part of the<br />

current features of ChileCompra; therefore, it should be done with<br />

external systems. Naturally, the poor municipalities find<br />

themselves with fewer resources of support with respect to how<br />

this result would be explained. Consequently, the providers accuse<br />

with difficulty the non-fulfillment of the awarding period by the<br />

part of the municipalities.<br />

To carry out the publication on the Annual Plan of Spending, just<br />

as it is established in the Procurement Law (Nr. 19.886, article<br />

12), given that, according to the results that the survey obtained,<br />

only slightly more than half the municipalities realize. We believe<br />

that one possible cause that explains the situation is due to the<br />

system of the administration of the budget, which should include a<br />

plan of spending that, currently, is not integrated with<br />

ChileCompra.<br />

To increase the levels of training in the use of the ICTs, in<br />

particular in the poorest municipalities.<br />

To reinforce the diffusion and the use of the channels of<br />

complaints of irregularities in the community of the providers. It<br />

is appreciated that a significant percentage of providers (31%) are<br />

not familiar with the existing channels to realize denouncements<br />

of irregularities in the processes of procurement. However,<br />

ChileCompra has formal mechanisms of complaint and moreover<br />

there is the Tribunal of Public Procurement. The communication<br />

should consider the principle identifying motives for not<br />

denouncing irregularities among which could be the sense that the<br />

denouncement will have no effect, and the fear of reprisal.<br />

In the following, the factors of the organizational cultures are<br />

presented that favor or reduce the impacts in public procurement<br />

accompanied by the introduction of ICTs would have:<br />

One positive aspect that is the level of collaboration between<br />

municipalities (to share knowledge, information of providers and<br />

good practices) declared by the buyers (38%). We believe that this<br />

has produced as a consequence of activities of support and<br />

training coordination principally by ChileCompra, The<br />

Association of Municipalities and SUBDERE (diplomats,<br />

trainings, Programs of the Bettering of Management, among<br />

448<br />

other), of which have introduced a generating in the instances of<br />

collaboration.<br />

It is observed that, as both with buyers and vendors, there does not<br />

exist a correlation between the use of ChileCompra and the<br />

increase in the levels of training in ICTs.<br />

The most relevant conclusion of this study has been to<br />

demonstrate that the Process of the Reform of Public Procurement<br />

in Chile, in particular in the municipalities, has brought as<br />

consequence an increase in the level of transparency in the<br />

processes. However, it cannot be concluded that there has been a<br />

significant lessening in the level of apparent corruption. The<br />

previous leads to say that to produce an impact in the reduction of<br />

corruption; it is not enough to solely better the processes and the<br />

technologies of information. What is additionally requires are<br />

initiatives that point explicitly to modify the cultural standard<br />

associated with the involved actors.<br />

Another important impact generated by the use of the Public<br />

Market is the increase in the utilization of the ICT by the<br />

municipalities and their providers. This fact, due to its<br />

massiveness and multiplying effect, should too have an impact on<br />

a national level, given the closeness of the municipalities and its<br />

citizens.<br />

As the next steps of this study, we recommend the development of<br />

similar projects in different counties of the region too including<br />

other sectors that have been affected by the process of the reform<br />

of Spending (at least in Chile): State Universities, Public<br />

Hospitals and the Armed Forces<br />


This work was funded by IDRC 7 (International Development<br />

Research Center) with collaboration of National University of San<br />

Martín (Argentina) who authorized the preparation of this paper.<br />

This work is part of the ICT4GP (Information Communication<br />

Technology for Government Procurement) program.<br />

We would like to thank all those who collaborated to make this<br />

study possible. We would especially like to gives thanks to the<br />

support of ChileCompra, which provided key information and<br />

assisted in the distribution of the survey. In particular, we would<br />

like to emphasize the support and work of Guillermo Burr of the<br />

Department of Studies of ChileCompra for his assistance in the<br />

entire process related to the survey of buyers and vendors.<br />


[1] Aberdeen Group, The E-procurement Benchmark Report,<br />

December 2004.<br />

[2] Albornoz, M.B.B y M Rivero, Experiencias Andinas de<br />

Gobierno Electrónico, 2007.<br />

[3] Arozamena L. and F. Weinschelbaum, Compras Públicas:<br />

Aspectos Conceptuales y Buenas Prácticas, Programa<br />

ICT4GP, Documento de Trabajo Nº1, Buenos Aires, Mayo<br />

de 2010.<br />

7 (http://www.idrc.ca/EN/Pages/default.aspx)

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